How to freeze the string bean?

String or in a different way, asparagus beans, in fresh form usually on our table in the middle of summer. And what if you want to "prolong life" this useful vegetable? It turns out that this is nothing complicated! It's enough just to freeze it for the winter, and practically all the useful properties and vitamins will remain in the freezer along with the beans. So, let's find out how to freeze beans for the winter.

How to freeze the string bean?

The beans in the frozen form will turn out delicious only when it was collected at an early stage of maturity. At this time, the pod is easily pierced by the nail, and the grains themselves are juicy enough, soft and do not have a rigid shell. If suddenly the time of collection was skipped, then making the beans tender will not help you freeze. So, to begin with, the beans are washed and put for a few minutes in clean water, into which we throw a little baking soda. Then thoroughly rinse it and put it on the towel to dry, so that when freezing the pods do not freeze to each other and become like one big piece of ice. While the bean dries, we are preparing clean polyethylene bags of the right size. Then, at each fetus, gently, on both sides, cut off the tips. This is done specifically so that in the future they do not spoil the dish, because they are too hard. After that, the dried asparagus beans are laid out portion by package, letting out excess air and putting them into the freezer. Instead of packages, you can use small plastic containers with lids. Remember also that the smaller the path between harvesting beans and its preform, the more vitamins it will retain in itself.

There is another way to freeze beans - in boiled form. For this, we boil it until ready in salted water, discarded in a colander and leave to drain and cool down. Then we lay out the bags in batches, tie them, letting out excess air, and send it to the freezer.

How much to cook frozen beans ?

For the preparation of frozen beans, we need only 2 minutes. We put it in a saucepan with water, add salt and put it on medium heat. For cooking use only soft purified water and avoid aluminum dishes. Immediately close the pan and cover the beans until they are ready. As a result, it should be elastic, but not crunching. Then immediately rinse it with cold water to keep the bright and saturated color of the pods.

What to prepare from frozen beans?



From frozen string beans, you can cook many delicious and healthy dishes. We will share with you a recipe for an interesting and tasty salad that is prepared very quickly. So, the frozen beans are poured in with water, podsalivaem and boil about 2 minutes. Then we throw it back to the colander and leave it to the glass to drain any excess liquid. In the frying pan this time fry the fat, we remove the cracklings, and to the fat that is formed we throw salt, sugar, pepper, pour in the wine and put mustard. We bring everything to the boil and carefully enter the wine vinegar. Then in the resulting sauce we spread beans, slices of bacon and a lightly fried sweet pepper crushed in straw on another pan. We warm up for a few minutes, then spread it on a plate, sprinkle with fresh herbs, and serve it to the table.