Apricot juice at home

Try to cope with a large crop of apricots, by cooking an unmatched juice. It can also be procured from purchased raw materials, especially since apricots of the third kind, of a non-commodity type and, consequently, offered by the seller at a budget price, will do the same.

How to cook apricot juice with flesh for winter at home - recipe



As we have already noted in the introduction of our article, for the preparation of juice, you can take any apricots, just picked from the tree or collected under it, and have already spent some time on the shelves of a store or market. Fruits can be either already overripe, or with slightly unripe barrels, the main thing is that a significant proportion of the latter in the total mass of raw materials does not exceed a fourth of the total. Then the drink will turn out both tasty, and fragrant, and appetizing in appearance.

Apricots thoroughly mine, we divide our hands into two halves and extract pits. The latter can simply be discarded or later extracted from them nucleoli, which you can simply feast on, or, dried in the sun, used as an additive to baking and desserts.

Apricot halves are placed in an enameled vessel of the appropriate size, poured cold with purified water, so that it covers a couple of centimeters of fruit. We place the vessel with the workpiece on the plate of the plate and let it boil, periodically stirring the mass with a wooden spatula or spoon. Care should be taken not to do this, the more halves will be remembered, the better it will be to process them later.

After five minutes, remove the pan from the fire, and let the apricot halves cool under the lid until warm. Now grind the mass through a sieve, setting it over another enameled pan. Squeeze again pour water, give a boil, and again grind with a strainer. Now we are determined with the desired density of apricot juice and leave it in its original form, or we dilute the juice with the pulp with purified water until the necessary consistency. We put the vessel with the juice again on the hotplate of the plate, bring the workpiece to the desired taste by adding sugar and give it a good boil-zaburlit. Now we pour the juice with a sterile scoop over pre-prepared sterilized jars to the outset, cap with boiled lids, turn the containers with lids down and place under a warm coat or blanket until it cools down completely.

How to close the apricot juice for winter at home through a juicer?



The result of the previous recipe is beyond any doubt a delicious and thick juice with pulp, but you will agree, for this it is necessary to tinker and spend a lot of time to get the desired mashed potatoes. Almost the same effect can be obtained with the help of a juicer, but in this case, you can prepare a small amount of juice, since not every unit is able to process immediately impressive volumes of fruit or berries.

In this case, just like in the previous one we prepare the apricots, washing them well and removing them from the bones. We pass the halves of the fruit through the juicer and determine the resulting juice in an enamel pot. Warm up the boiling water with granulated sugar, the amount of which varies depending on the sweetness of the apricot fruit. Taking into account the last fact, we add lemon juice or acid. We add the sweet water to the apricot juice, bring the mass to a boil, boil for about five minutes, after which we immediately pour the juice over the sterile and dry glass containers, sealed and put the covers down to cool under a warm coat or blanket.