Fortress Bergenhus

The medieval fortress of Bergenhus is located at the entrance to the harbor of the city ​​of Bergen . It belongs to the oldest in Norway , it was built in the middle of the XIII century and was part of a large complex consisting of several buildings. After the Second World War, the fortress was restored, and today it is a great place to relax and get acquainted with the centuries-old history of Norway.

Interesting information about the Fortress Bergenhus

The fortress of Bergenhus is erected in a legendary place. In 1163 the church of Christ was located here, where the royal coronation was the first in the history of Norway. Along with this, another important event occurred-the valuable relics of Saint Sunni were transported to the temple. In the wooden fortress, near the temple, bishops and Norwegian monarchs eventually settled.

The castle of Bergenhus was built in 1247. The reason for this was that the city of Bergen was given the status of a capital city, and King Haakon IV ordered to build a royal residence there. For a short period on the site of the temple and the wooden fortress a whole complex was erected, consisting of:

For a long time the complex preserved its integrity, and many of the buildings functioned. But the events of the Second World War became destructive for the historical monument. In 1944, on board the Dutch ship in the bay, there was an explosion of such force that it caused considerable damage not only to the bay, but also to the complex of buildings. The fortress of Bergenhus suffered greatly. The restoration of the monument took place right after the war, it took on a form almost completely corresponding to the original, and still preserves it.

What to see?

Today, the Fortress Bergenhus, or, as it is still called in honor of King Hawkon IV, Hakonskallen, belongs to the Bergen City Museum . The most interesting building in the fortress is the Hall of Hawkon. It is a medieval stone hall built in the 13th century. It is the largest building in the palace. The hall is used for concerts with choir and chamber music. It also hosts official events.

It is equally interesting to visit the Tower of Rosencrantz, which got its name from the governor who ruled in the 16th century. You can visit the governor's room, the dungeon and the position for guns on the upper floors. To date, this tower is one of the most interesting tourist sites in the Bergenhus Fortress.

How to get there?

Near Bergen there is an airport from which you can reach the fortress by taxi or bus. The attraction is located in the north of the city, past it there is a highway 585. Unfortunately, there are no public transport stops near the fortress.