Insulin is the norm in women in the blood

Insulin is a hormone for which the pancreas responds. Its main function is the transportation of glucose, fats, amino acids and potassium to the cells. In addition, the substance controls the level of sugar in the blood and is responsible for regulating the carbohydrate balance. All this happens when the insulin in the blood of women is contained in a normal amount. But for various reasons, the amount of the hormone can vary. And this necessarily affects the state of health and health.

What is the norm of insulin in the blood of women fasting?

To obtain reliable data, it is necessary to measure the level of insulin on an empty stomach. If you analyze after eating, the data will be distorted. This happens because after the meal the pancreas starts to function and is very active in producing the hormone. As a consequence - as a result, the content of the substance in the blood will turn out to be too high.

The norm of the hormone insulin in women is from 3 to 20 μU / ml. A slight increase in pregnancy rates is possible, as a rule, they range from 6 to 27 microU / ml. The amount of substance in elderly people also changes in greater part. After 60 years, it is normal if blood levels of 6 to 35 μU / ml of the hormone are detected.

Insulin in the blood of women in normal quantities ensures the performance of vital processes:

  1. The substance builds up the muscles. It promotes the activation of ribosomes that synthesize protein, which, in turn, takes part in the construction of muscle tissue.
  2. Thanks to insulin, muscle cells can function correctly.
  3. The substance prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers.
  4. In a normal amount, insulin in women in the body increases the activity of enzymes responsible for the production of glycogen. The latter, in turn, is the main form of storage of glucose.

If women have insulin levels higher or lower than normal

A sharp increase in the amount of the hormone may indicate:

To insufficiency of insulin in the blood have such factors as: