Mystical animals

Often people, observing animals, emphasized their strange behavior, which has a mystical character. Many sorcerers and psychics use fauna for their rituals and for concentrating energy. Each animal has its own energy potential and power.

Why are cats called mystical animals?

Cats have been endowed with magical abilities since antiquity, and opinions about the forces they serve are radically opposite. People believe that the cat has a powerful energy and is a guide to the other worlds. There is information that four-fingered friends can serve as a certain barrier that repels the negative. Psychics claim that the cat is the most mystical animal that can contact and drive out ghosts and other kinds of evil spirits. They are endowed with the ability to treat certain diseases. Many people confirm that their pets often saved from headaches, and also relieved from stress and even from depression . For this, the animal needs only to settle on the sore spot. Black cats are considered mystical animals, helping to protect the house from lightning, fires and thieves. For love magic, cats with red color are suitable, but white-fur-colored pets are the conductors of the cleanest energy.

Unexplained mystical animals

For many years, people did not believe in the existence of certain animals. Ordinary and habitual representatives of the fauna for modern society were considered a few dozen years ago as demons, manifestations of evil, etc. For example, this applies to gorillas, pandas, pythons and lizards.

Today there are also mystical animals, about the existence of which there are disputes, and to this day. This category includes Yeti, Chupacabra, Jersey devil, as well as a monster from Loch Ness.