Garden in French style - a window to Paris!

Few of us did not dream to visit France, namely to visit its beautiful capital - the splendid Paris! After spending at least a few days there, a man will forever give his heart to this magnificent city. And if the soul asks to return, create French sophistication in the environment of your house - a garden in the French style.

Garden in the French style: a bit of history

The so-called French (other names are regular, geometric or classic) garden style originates from the Renaissance in Italy. The highest heyday of this style of parks was achieved during the Baroque era, during the reign of the French King Louis XIV. Striving for luxury and sophistication, the monarch ordered to build the palace of Versailles, the territory around which was processed under the so-called regular style at the time. By the way, the basic principles of the regular style were laid by the well-known architect Andre Lenotrom.

What is a garden in the French style?

In general, the garden in the French style can be called a model of splendor and solemnity. When such a garden was smashed around the beautiful palace, they tried to emphasize the monumentality of the building and its splendor. That is why the French garden style is distinguished by strict symmetry and geometric correctness in the layout. Thus, the dominant feature of the style is obedience to the routine. Hence the second name is regular.

As a rule, the main design of the garden is tied to the building: the garden seems to surround the house and is its continuation. The elements of the garden are located along the axis of symmetry, that is, one half of the garden is a mirror image of the second.

In front of the house, a parterre, built of symmetrical bosquets, is usually broken. This is the name of a closed space, delineated by walls of densely planted and shorn trees and bushes cut into geometric shapes. Do not plant trees, which will later grow tall. The house should not be lost behind the crowns, but towering above them. In our region, acacia yellow, honeysuckle blue, spruce, hawthorn, currant are suitable for such purposes.

And the inside of the box can be filled with lawns or exquisite arabesques (geometric ornaments from flowers). Boschetes are connected to each other, as a rule, by a network of tracks, again in a symmetrical order. They can be sprinkled with pebbles, chipped bricks or granite cuttings.

In the parterre of the garden in the French style, symmetrical alleys are broken, they use topiary, curbs. The middle of the stalls is better to decorate with an elegant classical sculpture, statue or small in size pond oval or round shape. If desired, you can arrange a fountain or cascades in a pond. At the far end of the staircase it is very logical to install a gazebo for rest. It is possible to place a few rotundas or benches in the French style garden. A characteristic of the garden will be the device of several sites for viewing the opening magnificence.

Maintenance of such a luxurious garden is impossible without careful and regular care. It is necessary to constantly cut trees and shrubs, otherwise the main characteristic property of the French garden - symmetry - will be lost.

In addition, before breaking down the garden in a regular style, you should carefully consider its appropriateness. After all, he must architecturally correspond to the building, which means that in front of a small country house the magnificent parterre will look inappropriate. It is so important to foresee the fact that the device of the garden in the French style will cost a tidy sum. But before your eyes there will always be a small "window to Paris" - your garden in the French style!