Resurrection shrubby - planting and care

The plant is known even from ancient legends and legends. Some heroes of fairy tales from this plant draw their strength. It must be said that these properties, as the "Lapchatka" also called "mighty", are not in vain. The plant in question is actually used as a raw material for the manufacture of medicines, and it is also an excellent ornament for the garden. From this article, the reader will be able to find out all the necessary information about planting shrubs and shrubs and caring for her.

General information

The appearance of the cotton can vary significantly depending on the variety. It can be shrubby, semi-shrubby, creeping, herbaceous, tall or low. I must say that almost all of them are used as garden ornaments. Some plant these perennials as ordinary flowers, others prefer them to poke around the hedges, others see them as part of the composition of the Alpine hill. In nature, the shrubby shrub plant grows in the Caucasus, the Urals, and Siberia. Most often it can be found near water bodies, because it is hygrophilous.

Care for some varieties of cinquefoil shrubs is very simple, but there are also very fastidious species. Therefore, after choosing the plant you like, find out about its natural needs. Some of this family feel great on arid soils, illuminated throughout the day by the sun, while others can normally develop only in the shade. The easiest way to propagate shrubby bushes is the acquisition of rootlets with active buds. Of course, you can sow it and seeds, but in this case, flowering can wait for several years.

Planting and care

The place for planting cattail is better to choose in such a way that in the morning it was in the sun, and for dinner was hidden in the shade. If it is possible to find such a site for plants, then in the future it will help to avoid frequent watering, which can cause fungal diseases. When planting the tentacle with the roots, the pit should be made so deep that it does not have to jam its roots. Then gradually sprinkle them with soil in a circle until the soil level reaches the root neck. After this, give the young bush a good watering, after which the plant should settle a little in the soil. Now we must mulch the young plant with a layer of 4-6 centimeters. Thus, the life-giving moisture, which is so necessary for the first time, will be preserved. This moment is the key, few know that the root system of the presented plant grows almost under the surface itself.

Pruning of cinquefoil shrubs is very important. If you do not do it in a timely manner, then this will negatively affect the decorativeness of the plant. Bushes should be constantly examined for the presence of faded stems and drying shoots. If any are found, they should be carefully removed with garden shears . These manipulations greatly stimulate the flowering and active growth of young shoots. Some gardeners prefer figured pruning, giving it the most original and unusual forms that can last a fairly long time. No less important and spring pruning, during this period, it is possible to shorten all branches by one third.

The cinquefoil well tolerates a harsh climate, but there is a risk of damage to the roots, if there is no snow cover or strong frosts will strike. For this reason, it is desirable to sprinkle the base of the bushes with a 10-15 cm layer of mulch.

Cultivating the cinquefoil, you not only ennoble the appearance of your site, but also acquire the source of "heroic drink", as it is customary to call tea, brewed on the leaves of this plant.