How nice to give money?

Each of us from time to time gives gifts to his relatives, friends or co-workers - whether it be a birthday , New Year or some significant date. And in order not to create unnecessary problems for themselves, many people choose a fairly simple, but it is possible to say, win-win option - they are presented with money. The only thing that hurts your head in this case is how beautifully to give money.

Ideas, how to donate money

So, you are faced with the problem of how you can give money. What can I advise? First of all, such a gift should not look formal, otherwise this presentation can offend the gifted. In principle, there is nothing complicated, it is only necessary to put a little imagination. Here are some tips that you can use in different situations. Let's start, perhaps, with the congratulations of a colleague. In this case, it is quite appropriate to receive a cash gift in the form of a colorful envelope-card with the inscription "From colleagues" and the corresponding attachment. Such envelopes in a wide range are presented in kiosks for the sale of printing products. Do not forget to add to the gift a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Alternatively, you can put a plastic card in the envelope with a certain amount.

To a close friend, for example, you can donate money in a somewhat jocular manner, placing them under the glass in a beautiful frame and making a joking inscription "Break only as a last resort - .... (specify what, for example, a trip to rest). "

Any congratulation, as a rule, can not do without a bouquet of flowers. Here you also have one more opportunity to donate money, combining two gifts in one - the bills can be folded in the form of leaves or flowers and fastened in a bouquet (for example, with a simple or, better, floristic wire). The main thing is to keep this design firmly. Such a gift is most suitable for congratulating a woman, so do not forget, handing this peculiar bouquet, say a few kind words and wish for well-being and beauty.

What else can you advise those who are concerned about the problem, how can you give the money beautifully? A fairly common gift - a kind of money tree. And there are many variants of such a "plant". In this case, you will have to do a little pomasterit or remember the skills of needlework. For example, if you know how to embroider, then select a scheme with a picture of the tree and embroider only the trunk, and attach the bills as the crown. Embroidery decorate in the form of a picture. Very popular and topiary, similar to small bonsai trees, where the crown is also made of cash.

How to create a creative gift?

In conclusion, there are some rather unusual ideas on giving money as a gift. The money note is basically just paper. Remember that the birthplace of paper is China. So give the money as the original "Chinese paper" - add up the money in the form of an origami figurine. Of course, if you do not own this art at all, it is worthwhile first to practice on ordinary office sheets. By the way, you can also present such a figure (or figurines) in the same "monetary" package - a box decorated with bills.

Another option - to arrange a kind of salute from the money. In the air balloon put the bills (it is better that it was a lot of bills) and inflate it. Fasten the ball on the stand and decorate it nicely. Believe me, the recipient of such a presentation will experience a lot of pleasure, pierce the ball and stand under the "money" rain-salute.

No matter how you present the money as a gift, be sure to tell your culprit the triumph of a few warm words of wishes.