International UFO Day

In July 1947, a strange incident occurred in the United States : in the wasteland near the town of Roswell, brilliant discs were found, the origin of which is shrouded in mystery. The event caused an ambiguous reaction in society and was fraught with a variety of rumors. What is true, and what fiction, is now difficult to establish, but it is with this case that the history of ufology begins - the doctrine of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

What day is UFO day?

In honor of this incident, the holiday of ufologists and their supporters is celebrated on July 2.

Conferences, seminars and forums are held on World UFO Day, and on TV, there are often broadcasts of these possible evidences of extraterrestrial life.

Needless to say, researchers and supporters of ufology come to Roswell every year? Festivals are held here, dedicated, of course, to everything related to UFOs, down to the costumed parades. And all because this city has a symbolic meaning for such people.

There is another tradition: to write letters to the heads of state with a request to declassify information about UFOs. It's no secret that the so-called Roswell incident was full of mysteries, not without the help of the US government. Activists believe that the first persons of the states have something to hide from the population, and therefore every year on World UFO day they send such letters in the hope that sooner or later they will learn more information on a favorite topic.

The Importance of UFO World Day

Ufology, of course, the teaching is ambiguous. The scientific community does not even recognize it as a science because the existence of a UFO has always been placed under suspicion. Nevertheless, the day of UFOs is international, and more and more people join the ranks of ufologists. In many countries there are organizations and research centers devoted to the study of this dubious but interesting topic.

After all, both in the middle of the 20th century and in the middle of the XIXth there will still be a question as to whether or not our planet is visited by newcomers, or whether the UFO is only a figment of the imagination that was played out.