Birthday in the style of Maincraft

Developed in just a week, this computer toy won millions. Nothing in it is unique, it would seem, no. In the universe of Maincraft, everything consists of quaint blocks - objects, landscape, even the player himself. Finding resources, the participant creates all sorts of useful things of the potion, enchants the weapon. At night, he tries to hide in the shelter from various monsters, who are just waiting for darkness to plague. But such a simple plot enabled children to build anything from the airport to the village house, without limiting the fantasy of teenagers. Therefore, everyone liked the game so much that in many countries people began to organize family holidays, birthday parties, and sometimes even weddings.

How is the birthday party for Mayncraft?

Of course, you need to use all the main points of the game in the script of the holiday. For example, a dessert table can be designed in such a way that the familiar sweets personify a magic object, a weapon or some thing that players constantly use in Mayncraft. Draw stylish tablets and sign plates, having come up with the appropriate names: Redstone, Ruda, Chest Trap, Gold, Diamonds.

The room is decorated with balls with the green logo of Maincraft. On bottles with lemonade or other drinks we paste our company labels - "Potion of experience", "Potion of acceleration", "Potion of force" or others. By the way, these "magic" drugs can serve excellently in the form of prizes during thematic competitions , without which there will not be a holiday in the style of Mayncraft.

It is good, if all participants will have suits corresponding to this game on the name day. Much is not needed here, just make magic helmets, pasting colorful dices on them. To create such unpretentious masquerade accessories it is possible even during a holiday, having arranged competition for the best square-mask. Other competitions on the birthday in the style of Maynkraft can be either the most common, or, for example, in the style of "Teleport". One participant pulls a candy wrapper with the words "I'm teleporting ...", and the second pulls out a ticket with a fantastically invented departure address. Finally, the whole company should certainly be treated with a delicious cake made in the form of a green sweet block from the world of Maincrafter.