Causes of low pressure in women

Women are more emotional than men, therefore, the fairer sex suffers more from various diseases and their consequences. Among the problems that arise due to natural heritage, is reduced pressure. The causes of low pressure in a woman can be either general or purely feminine.

The main causes of low pressure in women

Low blood pressure is also called hypotension. It can be both physiological, that is, congenital, and pathological, that is, acquired as a result of a number of factors.

Consider what are the causes of low blood pressure in women:

Low blood pressure can be a side effect of medications, for example, after taking sedatives, antibiotics, spasmalgetics, pain medications, heart medications.

Often the causes of low blood pressure in women - the result of a weak cardiovascular system. Myocardial infarction in its acute phase and anaphylactic shock also cause a decrease in pressure.

Causes of low diastolic pressure in women

Diastolic pressure is the lower index when measuring blood pressure. If diastolic pressure is lowered, then the tone of the vessels is reduced, their elasticity is impaired. The reasons for this in women can serve as such phenomena: