Chips in the microwave for 5 minutes

Chips are considered a harmful food with a lot of chemical additives, but this does not apply to a snack cooked at home. Let's surprise the friends and make the children happy with delicious and useful chips and cook them in the microwave just in 5 minutes.

The recipe for chips in the microwave



Potatoes are washed, cleaned, cut into thin slices and dried on a towel. Then put it on the plate and put it in the microwave. The cooking time depends on the power of your appliance and the size of the serving. Usually it takes 3-5 minutes. As soon as the chips are browned, carefully take them out and serve immediately to the table so that they do not soften and lose shape.

Homemade cheese chips in a microwave in 5 minutes



Before we start making chips in the microwave, rub the cheese on a fine grater. Ham is shredded as small as possible. Then mix all the ingredients in a bowl and spread it on the plate at a great distance from each other in small portions. We send the dishes to the microwave and turn on the device for maximum power. The cooking process takes 5 minutes. Before removing the finished chips from the plate, let the cheese cool and harden.

Recipe for chips from pita bread in a microwave for 5 minutes



So, grind the cheese on an average grater. Now take a glass and with his help cut out lavash neat circles. Then we lay out the blanks on the sleeve for baking and from above distribute the evenly grated cheese. We send the chips to the microwave and clip them for 5 minutes, turning the device on to medium power.

Potato chips with bacon in a microwave oven



For the preparation of chips in the microwave, we first clean potatoes and cut them with vegetable cutters in thin circles. The resulting slices thoroughly rinse with cold water and put it to dry for 10 minutes on a towel. Then we put it into a deep plate, add the oil and season it with spices. Thoroughly mix everything and put the future potato chips on baking paper. After that, put in the microwave and cut 5 minutes, setting the device at maximum power. Meanwhile, cut into thin slices of bacon. After the sound signal, we take the chips from the microwave and turn them over to the other side. On top put on each circle of bacon and turn on the device for another 30 seconds.