Nutmeg - useful properties

Nutmeg - a common spice, which is produced from semen-stems muscatel fragrant. Useful properties of nutmeg are in demand not only when creating nutritious and mouth-watering dishes, but also in folk medicine, and also for weight loss.

Benefit and harm of nutmeg

The value of nutmeg for health is a pleasant bonus to its gorgeous taste. This spice was used by the inhabitants of Greece and Rome at the time of antiquity, when the nuts of musk deer were appreciated unrealistically highly.

The nutmeg also contains vitamins and vitamins, micro- and macro-mineral elements, as well as essential oils, pigments, various specific components (eugenol, saponins).

Caloric content of nutmeg is quite high - 556 kcal per 100 g, however, it is consumed no more than 1 g per day. The protein content in this spice is low - about 6 g per 100 g of product, fats in the same amount of nutmeg on the order of 40 g. The rest weight (except for 6 g of water) falls on various carbohydrate compounds, including. and fiber.

Over the years, adding nutmeg to the food, people found that this spice has reduced inflammatory processes, modulating the immune system, destroying bacteria, tonic and stimulating properties. Specialists of traditional medicine recommend nutmeg as an anti-cancer drug, as well as with difficulties with sleeping, reducing immunity, catarrhal diseases, indigestion, ulcer, sclerosis, tuberculosis, arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. Adding nutmeg to food helps improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, the activity of the brain neurons is normalized and memory becomes stronger. Representatives of the strong half of nutmeg helps to keep the potency longer.

For women, nutmeg is important for its hormone-stimulating properties - regular application of this spice helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and get rid of pain and some gynecological diseases. In addition, nutmeg has an anti-aging effect on the body and helps to get rid of varicose veins and thrombosis.

Nutmeg is also a powerful aphrodisiac. If you add this spice to the dishes for a romantic evening with your loved one, you will have unforgettable nights!

Harm nutmeg can bring with improper and excessive use. Exceeding the allowed dosage (1 g per day) can cause a rise in temperature, impaired coordination of movements, heart pain, rashes, intoxication, loss of consciousness, hallucinations and even death. It is forbidden to eat nutmeg with epilepsy and pregnant women.

Nutmeg for weight loss

Like other nuts, nutmeg contains a large volume of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the lack of which adversely affects the metabolic rate, which, in turn, causes the buildup of excess weight. Promotes weight loss and the thermogenic properties of spices, thanks to which the metabolism and the rate of burning of excess fat is accelerated.

It is shown to add nutmeg and high-calorie and fatty dishes. This spice has properties that improve the digestive process, due to which the food harmful to the figure will be quickly digested and converted into energy. In addition, nutmeg reduces appetite , which is also important for weight loss.

If you want to use the useful properties of nutmeg for weight loss, listen to the advice of nutritionists: