Lactofiltrum for children

Lactofiltrum is a modern enterosorbent preparation, which consists of two active substances: enterosorbent lignin and prebiotic lactulose. Thus, this drug has a double beneficial effect - it cleans and removes toxins from the body, and restores the normal intestinal microflora. The way to achieve a positive effect when treated with this drug is significantly different from that of conventional probiotics. Lactofiltrum creates optimal conditions inside the child's body for the growth of its own beneficial bacteria, and does not introduce foreign microbes from outside. As a result of the course of therapy, their numbers are restored and continue to support themselves. In this case, as a result of cleansing, the walls of the intestine begin to intensively produce immune cells, which perform a protective action against the entry into the body of any infections.

Lactofiltrum for children - indications for use

This drug is prescribed to patients, including children, both as a single drug, and in conjunction with other medicines:

How to give the child a lactofiltrum?

The enterosorbent preparation lactofiltrum is available in the form of tablets, so children should be given it for oral administration with water, after preliminary shredding. This drug should be taken three times a day, one hour before meals and taking other medications. Dosage Lactofiltrum depends on the age category of the child.

A single dose for children is aged:

As a rule, the course of treatment lasts approximately 2-3 weeks. But, of course, the exact scope of use of this drug, as well as repeated courses of treatment should appoint a doctor. To treat infants until the year, lactofiltrum is not prescribed.

Lactofiltrum contraindications

Lactofiltrum is contraindicated for treatment of intestinal obstruction, as well as during an exacerbation of ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. This drug accelerates the motor, so with these diseases can lead to adverse effects - increased pain, degree of obstruction, and bleeding. It is undesirable to use lactofiltrum with reduced intestinal motility and with galactosemia - congenital enzymatic deficiency, resulting in the accumulation of galactose in the blood, which can not turn into glucose. Of course, this drug should also be avoided with individual intolerance.

Lactofiltrum - side effects

Among the rare cases of side effects, there may be an allergic reaction to any of the constituent components of the drug, as well as flatulence and diarrhea.

Clear signs of an overdose are constipation and the appearance of pain in the abdomen. In such cases, as treatment it will be sufficient to stop taking the drug and contact a medical specialist.

Lactofiltrum is a fairly effective and safe enterosorbent. Also, it should be noted that this drug is not toxic and quickly (within 24 hours) is excreted from the body naturally, without injuring the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach.