Pseudotuberculosis in children

Pseudotuberculosis is an acute infectious disease caused by intestinal bacteria. The carrier of the disease are small rodents, dogs, pigs. However, pathogens can be found in soil, water. Bacteria of pseudotuberculosis are characterized by prolonged viability (up to three months), however, when heat treatment with high temperatures, dangerous pathogens perish.

When choosing products for a child, you should pay special attention to potatoes, cabbage, carrots, as they are more often prone to rodent invasion. Separately it is necessary to worry about the conditions of storage of dairy products, which, most often, are consumed in food without preliminary treatment (for example, sour cream, cottage cheese).

The highest incidence of pseudotuberculosis is observed in childhood (up to five years).

Pseudotuberculosis in children: symptoms

At an early stage of development of pseudotuberculosis, the child may have no symptoms of the disease. With further progression of the disease, the following signs of pseudotuberculosis in children are noted:

The child has a change in stool: it becomes liquid, viscous and has a sharp unpleasant odor. Possible the appearance of mucus or spotting. During the day the child can go to the toilet "at least" at least 15 times.

Pseudotuberculosis in children: treatment

If at the doctor's appointment parents learn that their child is diagnosed with "pseudotuberculosis", then the most important question for them is how to treat.

In the presence of pseudotuberculosis, it is expedient to prescribe a course of antibiotics, chemical preparations, sulfonamides. In especially severe cases, intravenously injected 5% glucose solution, haemadeza.

Care must be taken to prescribe antibiotics in childhood, giving preference to sparing drugs in order to reduce the risk of adverse reactions.

According to the indications, surgical treatment is possible.

Vaccines for this type of disease to date does not exist. The only thing that parents can do is to teach the child to observe the rules of hygiene, to wash the food more thoroughly before preparing food.

Pseudotuberculosis in childhood: consequences

When diagnosing a child, it is necessary to immediately organize complex therapy in order to reduce the risk of complications or death.

In the absence of timely treatment, the following complications may develop in a child:

It should be remembered that after the disease the child's immunity is significantly lowered, he is more susceptible to environmental influences and is more often at risk of developing colds. In the future, recurrence of the disease is possible. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor the condition of the child, seek medical help on time and follow instructions clearly.