Blue Curtains

In vain the blue color of the curtains is a matter of concern for many housewives. This color is endowed with the ability to remove from depressions, bring coolness in hot weather, reduce appetite in the kitchen, calm aggression, eliminate tension, help to gather with thoughts and feelings. Of course, you need to be able to properly draw blue curtains and combine them with the rest of the premises.

Blue curtains in the interior

In different rooms, the blue curtains should look different to fit one or another of their functional purposes, create the right atmosphere and emphasize specific stylistic solutions.

So, in the living room, the blue curtains can be either intense or pastel shades. In any case, they will promote calm communication and harmonious relations between family members.

In the bedroom, the curtains should have a slightly muted shade to facilitate rest, both physical and psychological. Blue curtains in this room normalize pressure, slow down all biological processes and prevent early aging.

Curtains for the kitchen should be selected not only in accordance with the style of the room, but also taking into account the need to reduce appetite. If you really need it, the blue will fit perfectly. Otherwise, it is better to avoid such curtains.

In the children's room, the blue color promotes a more harmonious and peaceful development and behavior of the child. Just try not to turn the room into a gloomy place. Be sure to dilute the blue color with bright elements - yellow, light green, orange. It will warm the atmosphere and at the same time emphasize the advantages of blue.

Even in the office, blue curtains can be appropriate, helping to concentrate on complex tasks, prompting to solve business issues, creating a correct and calm atmosphere.