Birthmarks on the human body

Surprisingly, practice shows that we know very little about moles. Although birthmarks are on the body of every man without exception, many are accustomed to simply not noticing them. And the more so not to wonder, and why on our body these birthmarks appear.

It turns out that moles are benign tumors on the skin of a person or congenital skin defects. But do not be scared at once. As we have already said, there are birthmarks for everyone, some have more, some less. And all are alive and well. But at the same time, the state of moles on your body needs to be monitored. A sharp increase in their number, shape or color should alert you. All this serves as a signal that you need to see a doctor.

Why do birthmarks appear on the human body?

At the moment of birth, there are no birthmarks on the child's body, but already during the first years of life their appearance does not make you wait. And this is due to the accumulation in the skin cell and the exit to the surface of melanin. The appearance of moles on the body can occur under the influence of sun rays or hormonal changes in the body.

Often there are cases that a person has a lifetime a small number of such formations. But then many moles appeared on the body. Of course, in this case, you need to get a doctor's advice. But similar situations occur almost with each of us during puberty, and only a few notice them.

The appearance of moles on the body of a woman is caused by pregnancy and, accordingly, hormonal changes in her body. This is also a fairly common reason for the appearance of a large number of moles on the body.

What are the danger of birthmarks?

Given the fact that moles are benign tumors, there is always the risk of a benign tumor degenerating into a malignant tumor.

Always pay attention to the following factors:

And if one of your relatives had skin cancer, then you should be especially careful and whenever possible change all the changes in the number and appearance of the moles to show the doctor.

Red moles on the human body

We often take such birthmarks as pimples and pay less attention to them than to brown ones. Perhaps this is just a feature of the color of the birthmark. But it happens that the red birthmarks are not birthmarks at all, but a place for the fusion of several blood vessels. Anyway, this birthmark is worth show the doctor, and he will tell you how to proceed with it.

Divination by birth marks on the body

Many women, in addition to the physiological aspect of the appearance of moles, are often interested in their astral purpose. It is believed that the birth of a birthmark on this or that place of the human body is not accidental, but carries a certain designation.

For example, it is believed that a mole on the nose appears in very lucky people. A mole on the forehead indicates a great mind and wit. On the neck there are birthmarks in unbalanced people. And if under the breast a woman has a mole, it is believed that this woman is dangerous and insidious. A mole on the heel indicates the viability of a person.

However, it is difficult to take seriously the location of moles. After all, designations often contradict themselves, and different interpretations occur in different sources. And if the human skin is covered with birthmarks, then they testify about everything and immediately?