Smoked Bream

Knowledgeable people in fish say that bream is the most delicious in smoked form. It is with this preparation that the fish maximizes its taste qualities. Below we will tell you how to prepare a smoked bream at home in a smokehouse, offering a simple and affordable recipe for snacks.

How to cook smoked bream at home - recipe for a smokehouse



If among the entire assortment of household utensils you have a smoking smoker , then this recipe will not be difficult to implement. Bush carcasses are eliminated from the guts, gills and, if desired, from the fins and tail. Now we wash the fish under running cool water and rub it on all sides and from inside with a mixture of salt of stone not iodized, ground sweet pepper, oregano and thyme. Particular attention is paid to the head, having spiced it with an additional portion of pure salt.

We put the bream in a suitable vessel, cover it with a lid or a plate and press it with a small load. We have the workpiece in a cool place for forty-eight hours. After the lapse of the carcass, wash the bream carefully and hang it by the head in a ventilated place, and preferably in the fresh air under a canopy, covered with gauze. After about a couple of hours we can proceed directly to the hot smoking. To do this, fill the previously moistened fifteen minutes with chips of fruit trees at the bottom of the smokehouse, install a tray to collect fat and juices, and grate it. We have dry dried fish on top, cover it with a lid and install the structure on a strong fire. After about twenty minutes, we open the lid for a short time and let the couple leave and the fish lose a little. Now we cover the lid and leave the bream for smoking in a light heat for about thirty minutes.

Ready to fish hot smoked let it cool down and can try.

Taking this recipe as a basis, you can also prepare a cold-smoked bream. But for this, of course, you need a suitable device - a "cold" smokehouse. In this case, prepared and salted, taking into account the above recommendations, the carcasses need to be allowed to dry additionally. To do this, after washing from salt and spices, hang bream for at least 24 hours. The abdomen must be opened and supported with toothpicks for better ventilation. To smoke fish is necessary for days, after which you can enjoy a wonderful taste of ready-made snacks.

Storage of smoked bream

Bream of hot smoking does not tolerate long-term storage. In a paper package, it can be kept fresh on the shelf of the refrigerator for no more than three days.

The product of cold smoking is less demanding of conditions and shelf life. At low humidity it can be stored in a cool room for a month. However, if the fish was properly cooked, it is eaten much faster and does not need long-term storage.