Eggplants with nuts

Thanks to additives in the form of nuts, absolutely any dish wins in taste and texture. Eggplants are also not an exception, the recipes of which we will share with you in this article.

Eggplants stuffed with walnuts



Eggplant sliced ​​thin plates, season with salt and pepper on both sides and fry in vegetable oil until soft. Sour cream is mixed with chopped herbs and slices of walnut. Do not forget to add spices to taste and a little garlic, passed through the press.

Each slice of eggplant is evenly greased with sour cream and nuts and rolled into a roll. We chop the roll with a toothpick to fix it.

Rolls of eggplant with walnuts completely cooled before serving.

Eggplants with pomegranate and nuts



Eggplant cut into plates and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

In the blender we put nuts, coriander, garlic and salt with pepper. We grind everything to a homogeneous consistency. The finished mass is dense, so it should be diluted with water to the consistency of fatty sour cream.

Now we distribute the mass of roasted eggplant, roll it up with rolls and spread it on a plate. Sprinkle eggplants with garlic and nuts with pomegranate seeds and the remaining greens.

Fried aubergines with walnuts and cheese



Eggplant sliced ​​along thin slices. Sprinkle the vegetable with salt and let stand for 30 minutes to get out the excess moisture. Salted eggplants are washed with cold water and dried. We slice the slices in flour and fry in vegetable oil until soft. Nuts randomly cut with a knife and mixed with cheese. In the same mixture we send shredded greens and a little black ground pepper. Bulgarian pepper is cut into strips.

Eggplant grease the cheese mixture and roll into a roll with a piece of pepper. We fix the roll with a toothpick if necessary and serve it to the table, decorated with chopped herbs.