Healing ointment for open wounds

Various violations of the integrity of the skin become for infections by the entrance gates into the body. Many people use when cuts, abrasions or burns occur with iodine and zelenok. But they have only a disinfectant property. That a small scratch does not cause serious complications, you need to use a special ointment to heal open wounds.

Ointment Vishnevsky for the treatment of open wounds

Ointment Vishnevsky - one of the most popular antiseptic drugs. This remedy helps in a few days to restore the skin after burns. But can Vishnevsky's ointment be applied to an open wound? It is possible, but only if a purulent process has arisen. This preparation:

Apply Vishnevsky's ointment to an open purulent wound or a burn, using a bandage: a four-layer gauze dressing is applied to the area that is damaged, the ointment is placed on top, and then everything is fixed with compress paper or cellophane. Keep this bandage on the wound you need about 10-12 hours. After removing it, the skin needs to be wiped with a dry paper towel and treated with an antiseptic to completely remove the remnants of the ointment.

Ichthyol ointment for the treatment of open wounds

Ichthyol ointment has a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. This drug will help you in the treatment of various skin lesions, since it:

Ichthyol ointment is often used for streptoderma, burns and eczema. It has an anti-inflammatory effect in just a few hours. But can I apply Ichthyol ointment on an open wound? It is better to do this only if the inflammatory process begins. In this case, it is evenly distributed over the surface of the skin and rubbed until a sensation of heat appears.

If there is pus, ichthyol ointment after application to an open sore wound should be covered with a gauze cloth or bandage. Change the bandage several times a day. Usually, improvement occurs in 24 hours.

Effective healing ointments

Any open wound should be treated accordingly. First of all, it should remove visible mud, and then stop bleeding. After that on the open wound it is possible to put healing ointment. The most effective drugs in this group are:

  1. Sulfargin. When treating wounds in children, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the features of the baby's skin, possible allergic reactions and pain syndrome, therefore - the most important point in treating a burn in a child is antiseptic treatment. However, parents often have a question as to how to treat a blistering wound covered with blisters , to simultaneously repair damaged tissues, alleviate pain and at the same time achieve the desired disinfecting effect. Zelenka and iodine - this is the last century, to which these funds are too aggressive for tender baby skin, prone to diathesis and irritation. Therefore, modern pediatricians recommend using antiseptic drugs based on silver salts, such as Sulfargin. This agent accelerates the healing process, reliably protects against bacteria and is safe for sensitive skin.
  2. Baneocin is an excellent healing ointment for open wounds. In its composition there are two antibiotics (Neomycin and Bacitran), therefore it has an excellent bactericidal property. Baneocin can be used even with deep wounds or burns.
  3. Levomekol is a good ointment for healing non-sterile inflamed wounds. It penetrates to the focus of the infection and quickly neutralizes it.
  4. Solcoseryl - ointment, which is created from an extract of blood calves. It has an analgesic effect and promotes the rapid regeneration of tissues.
  5. Eplan is a healing ointment for open wounds, in the composition of which there are no hormones and antibiotics, so the remedy can be apply even to children or people who suffer from diabetes mellitus and hormonal disorders.

Levomekol and Baneocin are also effective wound healing ointments for open wounds that have arisen after the operation. They process postoperative sutures, applying a thin layer, so that it does not interfere with the penetration of air. Otherwise, these ointments will have absolutely no healing effect (under a thick layer, bacteria that cause suppuration will multiply).