The first symptoms of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is one of such diseases, from which people still die. It is treacherous and very dangerous. But if you find it in time, the illness will not be of particular danger. And it can be done much easier if you know the first symptoms of tuberculosis. They are often confused with manifestations of many other diseases, so be careful.

What are the first symptoms of tuberculosis?

There are several specific signs of the disease. But depending on the stage of the disease and the state of the patient's health, they can be somewhat modified - become more or less pronounced, for example.

For a long time after infection, there can be no talk of any first symptoms of tuberculosis. The disease develops secretly, and it can be determined only by randomly done fluorography. Usually this applies to people with a strong immune system.

If the patient is weak, the first symptoms of tuberculosis appear:

Of course, there are also such first symptoms of tuberculosis, which can be confused with the manifestation of bronchitis. Speech about:

If the pathological process has already spread to the pleura and large bronchi, pain may appear in the vaginal space.

Treatment of tuberculosis usually lasts for several months or years. With the causative agent of the disease can cope with strong chemotherapy. In parallel with their reception physiotherapeutic procedures, measures strengthening immunity, special respiratory gymnastics are appointed. In the most difficult cases, the affected part of the organ can be removed.