Profession psychologist - is the profession of a psychologist in demand in the modern world?

In the age of rapidly developing technologies, there are things that remain unchanged and the most important is the desire of a person to know himself, his essence through the prism of relationships. The profession of a psychologist helps to understand and understand many mental mechanisms, patterns and look at yourself and other people both in something similar and unique.

Who is a psychologist?

Many people confuse a psychologist with a psychiatrist, but in these professions there are common unifying moments, but there are also many differences. The profession of a psychologist is a helping specialty, belonging to the category: "man is a man". Psychologist - an expert who understands the subtle mechanisms of the human soul, in the relationships and characteristics of the psychotype (of different types of classifications) inherent in each person. Within the scope of his specialty, a psychologist is one who:

What do you need to work as a psychologist?

The profession of a psychologist, like any other specialty, has a number of requirements and characteristics for a person who wants to become an expert in any field of psychology. The following criteria exist:

  1. Higher psychological education in the university, specializing in the training of psychologists.
  2. Further training every five years is a prerequisite, but many psychologists who appreciate their specialty are constantly learning.
  3. Passage of personal therapy and teaching how to work with a psychologist to another psychologist. For this, there are interventions and supervisions. A psychologist is also a person who periodically needs a look from another expert. The second point, there are difficult cases in practice, when the collegiate help helps to see what needs to be done to overcome the crisis.
  4. It is desirable for a beginning psychologist to gain experience for 1 to 3 years in state institutions.
  5. Psychologists with great experience are striving for independent practice, at this stage it is important to obtain a license and open a business.

Is the profession of a psychologist in demand?

The doctors of human souls are called psychologists. The demand for the profession of a psychologist is always relevant. Modern times with its oversaturation of information and constantly changing living conditions, which are influenced by: the state and its laws, the political situation in the country and around the world, the media with constantly disturbing news - all this leaves an imprint on people's thinking and behavior . Under stress, friends and family can not always help, and professional help can give a "second wind" to a person.

Psychologist - a characteristic of the profession

There is a common misconception that a psychologist is one who gives advice. And coming to the consultation, a person waits for him to be told how to live, will give many tips and life will change, as if by magic. This is far from the case. A professional psychologist, to the disappointment of many people, does not give advice. What then is the profession of a psychologist? In a professional approach to the problem of the client. Characteristics of the profession of a psychologist suggests that the personality of a psychologist is the most important tool for successful therapy.

The qualities that a professional must possess:

Psychologist - a variety of profession

The profession of a psychologist, for all the numerous branches, has three officially recognized approaches in activity. Psychologist - the direction of the profession:

  1. Pedagogical activity (theoretical) - is aimed at the transfer of knowledge about psychological science (the profession of a teacher-psychologist is the most popular in educational institutions)
  2. Research - conducting experiments, analyzing, summarizing data, statistics of psychological phenomena, the dynamics of processes and their validity. Writing of works, dissertations on psychology
  3. Practical activities include:

Profession psychologist - pros and cons

A person who has chosen this profession should learn the basics of the profession of a psychologist and develop an understanding that apart from the positive aspects, the profession also has "dark" sides, often unpredictably popping up in different situations. A conscious choice in favor of psychology presupposes the acceptance of negative moments that will be encountered, and the knowledge of how to overcome it so that the profession brings moral satisfaction.

Pros of the profession of psychologist

In psychology, mostly people who are striving for self-knowledge. It also happens that a person has made a decision to get rid of old traumas and complexes and then help others with this. Pros and dignity of the profession psychologist:

Dangers of the profession of a psychologist

To work as a psychologist is not always a positive feedback, but a lasting positive result. Working in state institutions with a social focus on disadvantaged families, working in hospices, orphanages is very specific, requires great dedication and vision of its activities as a mission, but even this does not save from emotional burnout , which occurs more quickly than in other professions. Other disadvantages of the specialty:

Where can a psychologist work?

The urgency of the profession of a psychologist, to date, is recognized by public and private institutions. Employers are interested in highly qualified employees, and people who apply to psychological centers need the help of specialists. Who can work as a psychologist for all the multifaceted profession, because there are many applications for implementation - the choice depends on the desire to make a career in a certain direction.

Health care:

Education system:

Organization and production:

Profession psychologist - where to study

"The psychologist is the profession of the future!" Is a true postulate. The decision on the specialty is accepted, and organizational issues arise: where are the professions taught and what disciplines are necessary for admission? Universities that produce psychologists:

  1. Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  2. Far Eastern Federal University.
  3. Psychoneurological Institute. V.M. Bechterew.
  4. Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis.
  5. Tomsk State University.

The profession of a psychologist - what subjects to take in the USE: