Care of the plum

Like any other fruit tree, the plum will please you with an abundant and high-quality harvest, provided proper care and timely measures to protect against diseases and pests .

Planting and care of the drain in the open ground

There are several key points to consider which the gardener simply owes. Among them we note the following:

  1. Care for the plum depends largely on some characteristics of the variety. You have already decided on the choice of variety, and now it's time to plant the trees on the site. It is important to consider the distance between the seedlings for good pollination, regardless of the need for additional planting of pollinating varieties. Therefore, it is important to take into account the size of the crown, the growth characteristics of the tree itself and from this to choose the distance between the seedlings.
  2. It is important to prepare the soil competently. For good and proper care of the plum you need to find sunny and fairly high plots in your garden, especially this factor is for dessert varieties. The soil for this culture should retain moisture well, while drainage also remains of good quality. If there is light soil on the site, the planting site needs additional organic addition, otherwise the drying will be too rapid.
  3. He loves the tree and abundant watering. It is important at the very beginning of summer and with the advent of the period of fruiting to water constantly. As a rule, the optimal number is five buckets for each tree.
  4. Do not forget about the feeding of plum as part of spring care. After the landing, you need to wait about three years before the need for fertilization. Under winter it is necessary to make mineral complex top dressings. To care for the plum in spring, you need to prepare a nitrogen fertilizer, which will give a good start to the tree, and will help it to start up. If the nitrogen is low, the foliage on the crown will turn yellow.
  5. The first few years care for plums in the spring, as in the rest of the period, presupposes constant control over the growth of the crown. It is necessary to monitor the correlation between the growth of the apex and the side shoots of the tree. It is necessary to cut frozen tops, constantly monitor growth.
  6. When planting and caring for the plum in the open ground, one must be prepared for the problems associated with diseases and pests. Among fungal diseases, fruit and gray rot most often occur, spotted spotting and coccomicosis are not uncommon. But with constant monitoring of such problems can be avoided, remember and about preventive treatments.