How to plant garlic in the spring?

Garlic is a culture that is respected in any home. An unpretentious plant is easily grown and does not cause problems even for the most inexperienced gardeners. There are two main types of garlic - winter and spring. The first plant, as a rule, in late autumn for the winter. Beautiful large garlic, unfortunately, does not tolerate the winter and spoils by spring. His "colleague" - spring is different, on the contrary, smaller in size, but kept for a year. It's planted after winter. So, we'll talk about how to plant garlic in the spring.

How to Plant Garlic in Spring - Preparatory Phase

Like any other crops, the seed of garlic needs to be pre-prepared. The teeth of the culture must be left for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. After this time they are dried. You can also use special drugs, for example, "Maxim", created to treat tubers and seeds.

Preparation is needed and the site under the landing. The place is chosen solar, open, with fertile, but loose soil. It is desirable that the site is not blown away by cold winds. It is important that the precursors of garlic are not potatoes , onions or tomatoes. When digging, organic fertilizers and a little sand are introduced to improve drainage properties. Do not interfere with the ash, it is necessary about a liter jar for every square meter.

Planting garlic in spring - highlights

When planting spring garlic, it is important to choose the right time. Culture loves moisture and reacts to it by rapid germination. You can land as soon as the earth warms up to + 5 + 7 degrees. It is recommended to "catch" the moment when the soil is well moistened and give all the moisture to the denticles.

If we talk about how to plant garlic in the spring with denticles, then there are several options for planting this vegetable culture in the spring. At the first, grooves are prepared with a depth of about seven to ten centimeters deep. It should be placed on the teeth at a distance of about 7-10 cm. After that, the grooves are covered with soil and mulched.

Another way is considered easier and simple. For landing of garlic prepare shallow, about 5-7 cm deep, holes. They are made with a wooden or metal stick. Then, one hole is placed in each hole in the bottom. Grooves are covered with soil and slightly trampled.

Often happens and so that the stored garlic sprouts. It can also be used as a seed. The only thing that is necessary is to sort out the denticles. Soft or spoiled immediately removed, hard can be left to sow. Sprouted garlic is planted either with grooves or with separate holes, it is important only to steal the teeth carefully, so as not to damage tender shoots.

How to plant garlic seeds in the spring?

Often, gardeners use another way of planting garlic - not seeds, or rather, air bulb. It is shown in the case if from year to year you planted denticles of the same variety and it began to degenerate. It is easy to understand by several signs: garlic is sick and gives a bad harvest. True, there are such air coolies only in winter garlic. Therefore, we will talk about how to plant winter garlic in the spring.

Bulboks get easy, most handsome plants leave arrows. By the autumn bulbs are collected, dried and stored in winter in a dry and warm.

In spring, the seeds are planted to a depth of about 2-3 cm at a distance of not more than 10 cm from each other. In the middle of summer they are excavated, receiving a new seed material in the form of single denticles. The resulting denticles are dried and stored in a dry place until late autumn. Then they are planted like ordinary winter garlic.