When to plant lilies?

In many front gardens grow beautiful and fragrant lilies, which are an ornament of a flower garden. But this flower requires constant care, and especially it is necessary to know the rules and timing of planting bulbs of garden lilies, since to preserve the flower variety it is recommended to transplant annually. But not all gardeners know when and how to plant lilies in order to get good bushes as a result.

In this article we will consider how to determine the time when it is better to plant lilies.

Planting and transplanting garden lilies can be occupied in spring, autumn, and even in summer. What is the difference?

Autumn planting is good because lily bulbs during the rest period are better tolerated withdrawal from the ground and during the winter period they manage to take root well. An important condition is the absence of sprouts on the bulbs, since they can begin to germinate immediately after planting, and this will lead to death. Most often it is recommended to plant in autumn in September, when warm weather still stands, this period is the most suitable for planting children of lilies.

Spring planting is advised by some growers, because in this way bulbs can be protected from winter frosts, as they are immediately placed in warmed soil or planted already sprouted lily. The optimal time for planting lilies in spring is considered the end of April, while the sun is not yet very warm, but it is not cold anymore.

Summer planting is carried out when it is necessary to transfer the already flowering plant (preferably with buds) to another place within the same flower garden, having necessarily preserved a clod of earth on the roots.

It is believed that when planting in autumn, more healthy and durable plants are obtained, because the roots of the lily grow better at low positive temperatures, and the ground part of the flower develops at high temperatures, i.e. in the spring.

What determines the time of planting of lilies?

The time of planting of lilies should be chosen depending on the following factors:

When do you need to plant lilies depending on the variety?

Spring landing:

It is recommended to spend the early spring, immediately as the earth warms up after the snow falls. It is better to have time at the very beginning of the appearance of shoots on the bulbs, since the young stems are very fragile and quickly break down.

Summer landing - in July - August

Autumn landing


End of September-October

In the case of early frosts, the soil should be covered with straw, lapnik, humus or peat.

Landing conditions

To plant a lily was successful in any season, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  1. The planting time should coincide with the end of the growth of the plant, when the bulbs become stronger after the flowering period.
  2. It is necessary to plant it in a prepared land: moistened, mixed with sand.
  3. Landing to make the necessary depth, which depends on the size of the bulb and the composition of the soil.
  4. Bulbs selected for planting are not dried, but are planted immediately.
  5. Bulbs and roots should be kept fresh.

Planting and replanting the garden lily in the optimal timing for its variety, you can grow beautifully majestic flowers on your site that will decorate your landscape.