Nettle nettle - medicinal properties

Where only the properties of nettle are not used today. It is used in the preparation of salads and even boil the nettle soup. Serves her various dishes as a seasoning. Prepare healing infusions on her leaflets. Miraculous broths make women to make their hair shiny and smooth. In agriculture, forage from cattle is harvested from it. The useful properties of nettle nettle can be talked for a long time, so let's pay attention to the most important.

The healing properties of nettle dioecious

Nettle, thanks to its numerous healing properties, is widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

  1. It contains a large content of carotene, which provides a healthy state of hair, nails and skin.
  2. Low calorie content per 100 g of product is a weighty argument for those who adhere to diets. Eating nettle can replenish the daily deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body.
  3. It will be necessary for people involved in sports, because the proportion of protein content in it is 22.2%.
  4. Stinging nettle can significantly relieve pain in people suffering from arthritis, due to the large prevalence of vitamin E in it.

Contraindications of nettle dioecious

Nettle nettle has not only remarkable healing properties, but contraindications, which should not be forgotten. Do not eat with nettles and medicines based on it, if you have hypertension or have a disease of the uterus. The plant intensifies the coagulability of the blood, therefore its use during pregnancy is prohibited. it can cause premature birth. It is very dangerous to resort to the properties of nettle with varicose veins or kidney disease. It is best to consult a doctor before starting to use.