Turpentine baths for weight loss

Every woman dreams of an ideal figure and smooth skin. In an effort to achieve perfection, young ladies resort to diets, various cosmetic procedures, abundantly presented in beauty salons. The popularity of turpentine baths has become very popular as an easy way to improve the shape and condition of the skin. In a modern pharmacy, you can easily buy everything you need to conduct such a procedure at home.

Benefits of turpentine baths

At the beginning of the 20th century, Zalmanov's doctor discovered the secret of turpentine's dissolution in water and proved that taking such baths helps to cleanse the capillaries and leads to the normalization of metabolism. He also described the methods of treating certain diseases in this way, but the main advantage of this procedure for women was a rejuvenating effect.

Used for baths turpentine is the result of distillation of resin from coniferous trees belonging to the family of pine trees. This essential oil has a transparent color, a characteristic odor and acrid taste. Its main functions are analgesic, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory action. Special turpentine solution for baths gently affects the skin, improves blood flow, strengthens cell regeneration, restores lymphatic drainage. Thanks to this complex action, the body starts to work correctly, the excess weight goes away, the mood improves, the motor activity increases.

How to take turpentine baths?

Before you try on yourself a method of combating obesity, you need to consult a doctor. Despite the naturalness of the product, baths with turpentine have a number of contraindications, including pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, heart failure, exacerbation of chronic diseases, skin diseases. Only after the attending physician has agreed to such a procedure, you can go to the pharmacy for the ingredients. In order to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions, before starting the procedure, perform a small test. Slightly turpentine dilute in a small amount of water and dip the solution into the solution for 15 minutes. If the time does not show redness, itching or other unpleasant allergy symptoms, then you can start "bathing".

Types of turpentine baths

There are three types of baths with the application of turpentine: white, yellow and mixed. White opens capillaries, yellow cleans them of toxins, so the most effective in striving to lose weight will be mixed baths.

When taking a "white" bath turpentine dissolves in water and causes burning or tingling, this effect is due to muscle contractions due to vasodilation. The composition of the solution of yellow turpentine is castor oil and oleic acid, there will be no unpleasant sensations, when the yellow turpentine is absorbed by the skin, the metabolism is normalized, and the decay products leave with sweat. The impact has led to the fact that mixed baths have become much more are in demand, it became possible to choose the optimal combination of useful actions taking into account the state of health of each person. It will be best if the ratio of white and yellow turpentine, as well as the schedule of "bathing" you will be a specialist.

To achieve the result, you should not only trust the calculation of the proportions and frequency of procedures for the doctor, but also to establish proper nutrition, to monitor the skin and health. In addition to the slimming and rejuvenation effect, turpentine baths are widely used in the treatment of certain diseases, so independent experiments with such a procedure can bring not only tangible benefits, but also significant harm.