9 classes - this is what kind of education?

Still, it seems, most recently you took your baby to the first class and now he is approaching the first school boundary - grade 9. This fact is the reason for thinking about how to be further: to stay in school or go to another school. It is often difficult for a child of 14-15 years to make a choice, because often children at this age do not yet have a concrete idea of ​​which sphere they would like to associate their lives with. That is why they are often ready to rely on the choice of parents, who, however, are not always well-versed in these issues, especially in the light of the reforms that the education system has undergone since they graduated from school.

Let's try to highlight some points concerning the continuation of education after the end of grade 9 and answer the most common questions. One common occurrence: "9 classes - this is what kind of education?" In order to answer this question in detail, we will consider the structure of the school education system as a whole.

Secondary education is compulsory, the right to receive it free of charge is enshrined in the Constitution. The main link of this system is the secondary general education school, as well as all kinds of gymnasiums, lyceums, boarding schools, sanatoriums, schools of social rehabilitation. In schools, education has three stages:

  1. Primary education - from 1 st to 4 th grades. Children from 6 to 8 years old are admitted to the first class.
  2. Incomplete secondary general education - from the 5th to the 9th grades.
  3. Secondary general education - 10 and 11 classes.

Knowledge of this structure allows us to answer the question, what is the name of the formation of 9 classes. Now let's look at the opportunities that open before a student with a certificate of incomplete secondary education:

The first option is worth choosing if the child normally has time in school, he has good relations with teachers and classmates. Unequivocally it is necessary to finish 11 classes if the child is aimed to receive higher education.

If every school day is for a teenager, he does not want to study - it makes sense to change the institution. His choice also depends on priorities. Perhaps, the child in principle is not fond of learning, then it's better to quickly master some profession and realize your work skills.

Is higher education possible after grade 9?

It should be remembered that with an average incomplete and even secondary specialized education, a person has no right to apply for admission to an institution of higher learning. However, there is a "workaround" - admission to a college or technical school, which has a higher level of accreditation than the school, namely II. Such an educational institution will help not only to spend 2 years needed to complete a full secondary education, to develop a chosen profession, but also often facilitates the process of admission. Especially it concerns popular and prestigious professions , like a lawyer and a designer.

Working with incomplete secondary education

Undoubtedly, situations are different, and often higher education is not always an indicator of success and a pledge of getting a good job. But the lack of even a complete secondary often allows you to claim only a low-skilled job. This is due not only to the requirements of the workplace, but also to the oversaturation of the labor market by applicants with a higher level of education.