Ovulation period

Ovulation is the most important period in the life of the fair sex. Some girls can determine this time by their own sensations, as the fluctuations of the hormonal background are reflected in their health, mood and appearance.

The duration of the period of ovulation in a woman varies, but it never exceeds 2 days. It is this time, as well as a few days before and after ovulation, that is the most favorable for the conception of the baby, so the girls who dream of the onset of pregnancy need to know when exactly the specified period comes.

In this article we will tell you what includes the period of ovulation, how it can be determined, and whether it is possible to get pregnant at other times.

What happens in the body of a woman during the period of ovulation?

Under the word "ovulation" is understood the moment when the matured and ready for fertilization egg leaves the follicle. As a rule, this happens instantly and can happen at any time of the day.

The ovulatory period includes not only ovulation itself, but also other processes occurring before and after the moment of rupture of the follicle. The entire period of ovulation is directly related to an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone. In an absolutely healthy woman, this condition is observed exactly in the middle of the menstrual cycle and lasts for several days. Meanwhile, this does not happen in all cases.

How to determine the period of ovulation in women?

To calculate the period of ovulation, you can apply methods such as:

  1. Measurement of basal temperature is the most affordable method, which does not require any costs.
  2. A blood test on the level of hormones in different phases of the cycle.
  3. Use of special tests available in the assortment of each pharmacy.
  4. Controlling the growth of follicles on ultrasound.
  5. Observation of your well-being.

Of course, the latter method is the least reliable, since any malaise or change in the state of health can be a symptom of various diseases. Nevertheless, some girls so clearly feel the changes taking place with them every month in approximately one and the phase of the menstrual cycle, which is beyond doubt - they have an active production of luteinizing hormone in the body.

Usually at this time there is an increase in libido, engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands, as well as the appearance of pains or spasms in the lower abdomen or lower back. In addition, during the period of ovulation, the number of secretions from the genital tract increases, and their character also changes. Normally, at the peak of fertility, women notice the appearance of fairly thick excretions, without the smell of a transparent or light white color, remotely resembling a raw egg white.

Can I get pregnant not during the period of ovulation?

Many girls are convinced that it is possible to become a mother only by having sex during the period of ovulation, and therefore are protected from unwanted pregnancy, calculating "dangerous" and "safe" days. In fact, this method of contraception is very unreliable, and if motherhood is not at all in your plans, it is better to give preference to another method.

Modern gynecologists agree that it is possible to become pregnant on any day of a woman's menstrual cycle. This is due to hormonal imbalance, as a result of which ovulation can occur 2 or 3 times a month, as well as some gynecological diseases.

Nevertheless, there is a direct link between ovulation and the possibility of fertilization. To the woman's body a new life has arisen, the period of ovulation should come. If this does not happen, pregnancy is not possible under any circumstances.

In addition, the probability of successful conception also directly depends on the duration of the ovulation period and when it came. So, those girls who have sexual intercourse directly in the ovulatory day have the greatest chances for a happy motherhood. The period of ovulation in women, when the likelihood of conception is also high, comes 5-7 days before the follicle breaks and ends about 15 hours after it happened.

Nevertheless, do not forget that the chances of becoming a mother are on any day of every menstrual cycle, except for the non-ovulatory.