How to make sushi?

The traditional Japanese dish - sushi, has gained immense popularity on the territory of our country. You can try sushi in numerous Japanese restaurants. Nevertheless, many housewives are interested in how to cook sushi and rolls on their own, at home.

Absolutely all types of land contain a single basis - specially prepared rice. And already to this rice are added other ingredients provided by the recipe. In this article we want to tell you how to make sushi and how to cook rice for them correctly. To make sushi, you need the following set of products:

The recipe for cooking rice for sushi

The Japanese cook rice for sushi according to strict rules:

Sushi Recipes Recipes

We offer two of the simplest recipes for sushi:

Sushi with mackerel

For the preparation of sushi, the following ingredients are needed: 200 grams of mackerel fillets, 200 grams of rice for sushi, rice vinegar, a slice of ginger root, soy sauce, sugar, salt.

Before making sushi with mackerel, rice for sushi should be poured with cold water, cooked and cooled. 6 tablespoons of vinegar should be mixed with sugar and salt so that salt and sugar are dissolved. This mixture must be filled in Fig. The fillet of salted mackerel should be cut into strips in the thickness of 1-2 centimeters, pour rice vinegar and leave for 15 minutes. The board for making sushi should be covered with food film, put on it mackerel fillets, and top with rice. Straighten the rice with your hands so that it lies in the same thickness. On top of the rice should be covered with a food film and crushed with something heavy. After 3 hours, the film should be removed, and rice with mackerel cut into cubes 2 cm thick. Before cutting, the knife must be dampened with water so that it does not stick.

Serve sushi with ginger and soy sauce.

Sweet sushi

Not everyone knows how to make sweet sushi. But this is not difficult! You will need: 200 grams of rice, 200 grams of chocolate, pasta liquorice, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 sheets of special waxed paper (covered with a thin layer of wax). Rice should be pre-cooked in water with sugar and cooled. While the rice is cooling, it is necessary to melt the chocolate, pour it on waxed paper and spread it in a uniform thin layer.

Cooled rice put on a second sheet of waxed paper, level it and pour licorice sweet paste. Next, the sheet should be rolled into "sausage" and free the rice with the filling from the paper. "Sausage" should be transferred to a sheet of chocolate, rolled in the same way and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. When the chocolate freezes, the outer layer of paper can be easily removed. After that, the "sausage" should be cut into 8-10 pieces.

Sweet sushi ready!

As a filling for sweet sushi, you can use any sweet pasta, jam and jam.

Sushi is not only a delicious dish, but also extraordinarily useful. A low caloric content of sushi makes this dish a favorite among many women.