Prevention of suicidal behavior of adolescents

Transitional age is a very difficult period in your child's life, and sometimes even the quietest and most obedient children begin to change very much at this time. This is due to both hormonal "storms" in the body, and psychological restructuring, which forces your matured son or daughter to rethink their place in the world and decide on who he is. Sometimes it is associated with serious depression, so parents are very important to know about the prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents. A boy or girl sometimes can not cope with their emotions, and this can cause a tragedy.

The most important factors of suicidal behavior of adolescents

Of the causes that lead to serious injuries and even death in high school students, it is worth highlighting the following:

What is included in the prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescence?

Unfortunately, even the most loving parents can not vouch that the thought of going to the next world will not visit their child in this or that situation. After all, in an age of transition, even a trifling situation due to instability of the psyche can cause an inadequate response. Therefore, consider the recommendations to parents on effective prevention of suicidal behavior of adolescents:

  1. Spend as much time as possible with your almost adult child, ask him about his business, studies, friends. The more a son or daughter will trust you, the earlier you will notice the first symptoms of suicidal tendencies: depression, changes in behavior, lack of close contact with peers, frequent talk about death. This is very important for preventing suicidal behavior in adolescents.
  2. Give your child to understand that you accept him as he is, even if he made a mistake and did the wrong thing. A significant element in preventing suicidal behavior among adolescents is the willingness to help if a young man or girl directly hints at suicide. To ridicule or not take these words seriously - the worst thing you can do to push for voluntary death.
  3. Learn to listen carefully. Sometimes half an hour, allocated to hear from a teenager's mouth a confession of how bad he is, can really save lives.
  4. Do not argue with the child who is considering leaving this world, and ask leading questions. To prevent suicidal behavior of children and adolescents, it is necessary to exclude any manifestations of aggression on the part of an adult who may fall into shock and behave inadequately when mentioning suicide as a way of solving problems.
  5. Offer to think together how to get out of a difficult situation. Of all the recommendations for the prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescents, this is most difficult to fulfill, but to instill in a desperate schoolchild a hope for the best is the most constructive approach that will bear fruit.