Where to spend the final grade 4?

The end of grade 4 is quite an important event in the life of every schoolboy. Someone will say: "You'll think, there's a fourth class! What is there to celebrate ?! "But this is not just the end of the next academic year, it's also a farewell to the first teacher, with the now become a native cabinet, the transition from the junior high school to the senior one. Therefore, both schoolchildren and their parents want to note this event quite brightly. So, today's article is devoted to finding the answer to the question "Where to lead an original and modern graduation in the 4th grade?".

Graduation Ideas in Grade 4

So, it is decided - to graduate after primary school to be! But where to celebrate the graduation of the 4th grade so that you do not spend much money, and the guys do not get bored? Children at this age are hardly satisfied with the modest role of the audience of some theatrical action, they will want to participate actively, so there is no way to do without animators. Whether it will be invited artists or the role of a mass-entertainer the teacher will take on is unimportant, most importantly - there must be some kind of force on the children's holiday that directs the violent childish energy into a peaceful channel.

Children at this age are unlikely to like the animators-clowns, but the programs from the scientific-cognitive or adventure series will surely leave an indelible impression. Of course, children, fourth graders will not need to arrange a super-rich feast. Quite enough will be a buffet with a lot of interestingly designed sandwiches, sweets and drinks. But without balloons, soap bubbles and clockwork, you can not do exactly!

Where to celebrate the graduation in the 4th grade?

  1. The simplest and most cost-effective option is the school. Celebrate the graduation can be both in the assembly hall, and in the office. This option has both its pluses and minuses. Of course, at the same time, you can save on renting premises and send the released funds to something else, but it's unlikely to create an atmosphere of complete carefreeness in the school walls.
  2. Graduation after 4 classes can be celebrated in nature. Of course, a significant disadvantage of this option will be the inability to fully hedge against weather force majeure. But if the weather does not fail, then a joint sally with a fire, an entertainment program and a disco will be the brightest adventure for any schoolboy.
  3. Graduation after graduation 4 class on the boat will also be an excellent way to make children a real holiday. But you should always pay attention to the premises for the holiday was closed and the children could not independently get out on the deck.