How to teach a child to solve problems in mathematics?

Not all junior schoolchildren like mathematics. First, explain to the child why it is important to be able to count, add, subtract, etc. For example, tell him that you can not buy anything in the store, if you do not know the math, because for each product you need to pay a certain amount. And why do we need knowledge of geometry? How to build a house without measurements? If you know the size of the brick and the house that will be built, then you can calculate how many bricks you need. Even a shirt can not be sewn, not knowing the size of the sleeves and at what angle they are sewn to the main product. Now consider how to teach a junior student to solve problems in mathematics.

Algorithms for solving

At the heart of any task should be a life situation that is understandable and interesting for a child of a certain age. Consider how to teach a child to solve problems in mathematics.

For the beginning of the child it is necessary to teach to solve mathematical examples to consolidate the knowledge of the multiplication table, to form simple skills of addition, subtraction, division , multiplication. When your child has basic mathematical skills, start solving the problem. It should consist of such actions:

  1. Understanding the content: reading the condition, analyzing incomprehensible words, repeating the condition verbally (help the child, asking him leading questions).
  2. Solution of the problem: a short statement of the condition, the design of the solution in digital, schematic or graphical form.
  3. Verification of the correctness of the decision: an explanation of the course of action and the validity of its choice.

In order for the child to better understand the content of the task and the actions necessary for its solution, be sure to use visual clarity - drawings, tables, various objects, etc. Well, if the student himself graphically depicts the condition.

It is very useful that the junior schoolchild learn how to independently compile tasks for this decision. And he related the plot with his life experience and observations. This will help him to better understand the practical importance of mathematical problems, their structure and methods of solutions.

Consider how to teach a child to solve problems with equations. Their solution has this sequence:

  1. We find out which unknown is to be found: summand, decrement, subtracted, multiplier, divisible or divisor.
  2. Here you can repeat with the child the simplest actions with the help of such schemes:
  • Determine how to find the unknown;
  • We paint the decision and comment it aloud;
  • We check the correctness of the solution: substitute the answer for the unknown. If the same numbers are obtained on the left and right sides of the equation, then it is solved correctly.
  • How to teach to solve problems on geometry?

    Here is the algorithm of actions:

    1. We read and understand the condition: we consider in detail what is given, i.e. what objects are indicated and what is the relationship between them.
    2. Draw a drawing and denote objects (straight lines, corners, etc.) on it; if among them there are the same, then we mark them: equal segments - with the same type of strokes, the corners - with the same arches.
    3. We recall the basic properties of the figure in the problem.
    4. Based on what is given, we find the theorem from the textbook, which should be used for the solution.
    5. We paint the decision in detail with the comments.

    The most important thing in solving geometric problems is to find the desired theorem. Proceeding from the fact that any theorem is constructed from objects and interrelations between them, it will not be so difficult to find the necessary for a particular task.

    Thus, we examined how to teach a child to solve problems in mathematics. Teach your child with patience, because mathematics for children is not an easy subject.