Psychological preparation for exams

Who do you think will pass the responsible exam better: the girl who trembles with fear as an aspen leaf, or - self-confident, self-sufficient and unconditional victory? Of course, the more confidence in a person, the more likely the success, the psychological preparation for exams plays a huge role. But how to prepare for the exams correctly?

How to prepare for exams psychologically?

  1. Stock up on time . Try to take as much time as possible to prepare. Do not try to learn all the tickets on the last day. The calmer the situation will be during the study of the material, the more quietly the exam itself will pass.
  2. Motivate yourself . How to tune in for the exam, how do you feel that this test is really important? If you do not feel a sense of responsibility in yourself immediately before the exam, and therefore, not too concerned about its result, come up with another goal. Promise that in the event of a successful surrender, you will find the time and money to realize a long-standing dream.
  3. Do not exaggerate the personality of the examiner . How to tune in before the exam, if the one who will take it does not inspire you with sympathy, but, perhaps, even more, inspires you with fear? - Before preparing, try not to concentrate on this fact, imagine that the exam will take your computer. And when the material is learned, and you are in the field of view of an unpleasant subject, imagine that he is not a judge, on which your future destiny depends, but your debtor. Yes, imagine that this person owes you a considerable amount of money back some time ago, so it's not you, but he is the "master of the situation".
  4. Do not exaggerate the importance of the exam . In order to successfully pass the exam, in your own imagination, you should not complicate the tasks ("making an elephant out of a fly"). You should realize that you will not find anything completely unfamiliar in the examination sheet, you have already studied everything in the relevant courses, so that in the exam you will decide what you are used to and have worked many times.
  5. Watch your diet and regime of the day . In the preparation for the exams, avoid eating heavy, high-calorie food, plenty of coffee. Strive for a lot of fluids (because during stressful situations, the body needs it), nuts, fruits, dairy products. Please note that on the days before the exam the body should gain strength. Therefore, sleep should be at least eight hours a day.