Slang Youth

Speaking about how we do not understand the language of modern youth, it is worth recalling the funny Soviet film "Kin-Dza-Dza". Having looked it, at once you start to concern easier to a modern youth slang. And now look at yourself from the side! Who among us did not use the expression "no one to himself!"? But this is also slang. Let's try to understand, where did the roots of such interesting words come from?

Features of youth slang

Every person, no matter what age, has his own social circle. Based on the interests of this or that group, one's unique youth culture of speech, slang or jargon is formed - if you want. A little help: jargon (from the French word jargon) is a combination of all the features of colloquial speech that appear in different circles, united by one theme - life, work, interests, children. By the way, pregnant women also have their own jargon - "pregnant women", "puzozhitel."

Youth slang and jargon allows you to express your opinion in a very interesting, sometimes absurd form. The most common types of youth slang to date are the jargon of students, soldiers, informals and other groups with common interests. What is the meaning of slang and jargon?

  1. Borrowings . Most often from English, because it is quite popular and is known among young people. Many people who have not even studied English understand such words as: Fifty-fifty, respectable, loser, people. So much foreign slang has merged into modern speech, so that we do not even pay attention to it.
  2. Computers and technology . Not standing on the spot progress willy-nilly fills the speech with new words. And to understand the youth of Internet slang, even dictionaries began to compose. If in the version with borrowed words the average person still somehow remained in the topic of the conversation, then in this case, without special knowledge, not only can you not understand anything, so your head aches.
  3. Music . Everything is elementary here. Most often words in this case are formed from the name of musical styles (popsyatin, trance, folk), compositions (novye, svezhak) and other musical attributes.
  4. Illegal trends . Words related to drug addiction, criminals and so on. Unfortunately, our youth have a "habit" of absorbing everything dirty and unnecessary. Some people think that using such slang in a speech, they seem more solid than the rest.
  5. Hobbies and work . As already mentioned, every environment has its own expressions, which appeared in the process of work. Remember your working time, for sure for the whole day you occasionally hear words that would be incomprehensible, let's say your neighbors.

Pros and cons of youth slang

According to the older generation, the main disadvantage of youth slang is that it clogs up Russian speech. But few people think that this feature of modern youth speech is an interesting way of self-expression, which allows to develop imagination. Also the use of slang reduces some long expressions, without changing their meaning at all.

The use of slang makes speech more vivid. Maybe it's for us, the older generation has meaning to think about? If we start speaking in the language of our children, then there will be mutual understanding, and our relations will become more friendly and trustful?

There are people who use mate in their speech. Many are against this! But think: one swear word can be said that would have to be stacked in two or three sentences! And the emotional color of these culturally said sentences would clearly have been lost. That's how youth slang: allows our children to express themselves more brightly and emotionally, but at the same time culturally! Maybe, we inspired it ourselves, and there are no problems with the use of youth slang? So let them talk better than speak the great Russian obscene!