The Life of John Lennon

The date of birth of John Lennon was marked by another devastating attack on Liverpool Hitler's aircraft. The life of John Lennon somehow resembled a similar raid - it was turbulent, exciting, very bright and, unfortunately, short. The musician was born on October 9, 1940, and was killed on December 8, 1980.

Biography of John Lennon

The parents of the great John parted almost immediately after the birth of the child. John Lennon's mother Julia brought up her son for a while, but then she married, giving a four-year-old boy to raise Aunt Mimi Smith. She did not have her own children, and she treated her foster-son with all her passion-for example, her aunt condemned John's fascination with music, assuring him that such an occupation could not bring prosperity. The severity affected the character of the musician - in life he was quite keen and malicious. With Uncle George, little Lennon was really friendly, as a child to John Lennon, he partly replaced his father. As a teenager, the future musician became friends with his mother, who by that time had given birth to two more children. She tragically died in 1958 - this was a great grief for the already matured Lennon.

John Lennon was a clever and smart kid, but could not stand school, so he was simply studying horribly. Music - that's what he was madly interested in, he sang with great pleasure in the choir. Lennon also drew well. As a schoolboy, he had already published a manuscript magazine with his own illustrations and, of course, caricatures of teachers.

John Lennon's success story

When John first heard rock and roll performed by Bill Haley, and then Lonnie Donegan, he just fell in love with this genre. In 1956 he was one of the organizers of the band "The Quarrymen", in which he became a guitarist. Next year Paul McCartney and George Harrison join the team.

Lennon "failed" final school exams, but with the help of the headmaster entered the College of Art in Liverpool, where the young John Lennon and met with Stuart Sutcliffe and his future wife Cynthia Powell.

The name of John Lennon's band The Beatles appeared in 1959 and became one of the most famous and significant in the music of the 20th century. Since the 60's the band began to tour a lot, and later changed their image, leaving leather jackets in the past and replacing them with jackets without lapels. Changes also occur in behavior - the group members no longer smoke and do not swear on the stage. This also contributed a lot to the popularity of the Beatles.

The Death of John Lennon

In addition to world fame, John Lennon managed to do personal life. In 1962 he married, the son of John Lennon and Cynthia Powell was born in 1963 and was named after the mother of the musician - Julian.

Inspired by popularity and personal success, in one of the interviews, Lennon compares the Beatles with Christ, naturally, this causes a negative wave of believers. Participants of the group are threatened with reprisals. Even in spite of Lennon's public apologies, the tour of the States was a failure, and in Memphis an unknown person threatened to kill the unofficial leader of the Beatles by phone. This concert was the last in the history of the collective.

It's no secret that John Lennon was addicted to drugs - this unhealthy hobby served as an impetus to the separation of the leader from the group. A little later the family breaks up and Lennon - Cynthia caught him with the mistress of Yoko Ono, on which John, by the way, later marries and who gives birth to his son. In 1968, John Lennon began a solo career, he and Yoko Ono released a record, but the music on it is already very different from the one the musician played at the Beatles.

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