World Dog Day

It turns out that with respect to our shaggy friends, we act unfairly. World Cat Day exists, and there is no such holiday for dogs. It is clear that people in different countries have tried to change this state of affairs, and established at home if not international, then their own dog day. Let's see how our four-legged brothers are treated less in other regions of the world.

Day of dogs in different countries of the world

When marking their world day of dogs, people decided differently, sometimes it is connected with local beliefs, and sometimes a special event caused mass attention to our lesser brothers. In distant Nepal, for example, it was tied to a religious holiday by Tihar. On the second day of this large annual festival (it is called Kukur Puja), these animals are dressed up and solemnly invited to the ceremony, where they receive a blessing. Indeed, according to the belief, these handsome men accompanied the son of the god Dharma to heaven. The local population is sure that dogs are entrusted with the protection of the paradise gate and the underworld.

But the Japanese were shocked by the fate of the legendary dog ​​Hatiko. He did not leave the station of Shibuya station for nine years, faithfully waiting for his host Hideasaburo Ueno, who was taken to hospital from there with a heart attack. Such striking loyalty caused a wave of sympathy among the people, and even after Khatiko's death was not forgotten. The day of the memory of a loyal pet was appointed on the date of January 11, and later in many other countries this good initiative was picked up.

In America, the day of dogs is celebrated on August 26, and in Britain it was decided to coincide with the day off - the last Sunday of the month of April. It is worth mentioning here on April 27, as the World Day of Guide Dogs , celebrated by people in Russia and other 60 countries of the world, was recognized as an official holiday several years ago. Well-bred and friendly dog ​​turns into an indispensable assistant for thousands of people. In any weather, they accompany their master, undoubtedly, guides with their labor deserve respect and honor from people.

Already more than once activists dog breeders raised the question, to appoint World Dog Day. Even in the UN office documents were submitted (in January 2012), and on the Internet a vote was organized on this issue. Undoubtedly, sooner or later dog lovers will achieve that all countries celebrate this date without exception. It can not be that our beautiful shaggy handsome men did not have their big world holiday.