
Tzatziki - we have this name pronounced in different ways - and "tsatsiki", and "dzadziki" and "dzadzyki." However, the essence of this dish does not change from pronunciation. You can eat it simply or spread on bread, pita bread, or you can even serve it with fried meat and shish kebab. Dzadzyki is an amazingly delicate Greek sauce, which consists of garlic, fresh herbs and fresh cucumbers. It is perfectly suitable for use in hot weather, as it has a refreshing taste and a pleasant aftertaste. Dzadzyki sauce can be served to hot dishes, as gravy, or can be used as a dipping sauce with croutons, crackers or vegetables. It is especially tasty to combine it with potatoes, baked in the oven.

Let's consider with you the recipe for cooking dzadziki, this wonderful sauce with the original name.

Dzadzyki - recipe



Greek yoghurt is the main ingredient of dzadziki sauce. It differs from those presented on the Russian market in that it is not sweet at all and more like thick sour cream. Therefore, in order for us to achieve a similar taste, we take 20% sour cream and add a little cottage cheese, after squeezing out of it excess fluid with gauze. We mix the resulting mass well and leave it aside for a while.

Now take fresh young cucumbers with a tender flesh, cut it neatly peel and rub it on a fine grater. Of course, according to the classic recipe, you only need to squeeze out the juice and add it to yoghurt. But you and I will rub them on a fine grater and add mashed potatoes to sour cream, because if we leave only juice, without pulp, the sauce can turn out to be liquid and watery.

Next, you need to peel the garlic and grate it too. This is one of the most important components of this recipe, because garlic gives a special piquancy to the sauce and forms a unique, specific taste.

In conclusion, you can add a little olive oil and a couple drops of lemon juice. Season the Greek sauce with salt and pepper and stir very well.

We serve dzadziki on a table in a deep salad bowl, decorating the finished dish with olives or olives in order to completely recreate the Greek atmosphere at home. And, of course, it is necessary to serve fresh lavash or white bread, so as to enjoy and appreciate all the splendor of this sauce. Bon Appetit!