How to teach the child mindfulness?

Very often the reason for the poor performance of schoolchildren is banal inattention. The same problem also prevents children of preschool age, because they are not very careless about the performance of various tasks, which leads to a significant gap from their peers.

To avoid this, starting from two or three years of age, it is necessary to teach the child care, perseverance and concentration. In this article we will tell you how to do it right.

How to teach the attention of a preschool child?

The smallest children can be taught care and concentration with the help of such exercises as:

  1. "How much?" You can play this game absolutely anywhere. As often as possible, suggest that the baby count how many flowers are in the room, people in the queue, cars in the parking lot, and so on.
  2. "Top Cotton". In advance explain to the crumb the rules of this game - you pronounce the names of various objects, and he, if he hears the word "house", claps his hands, and if the name of any animal - stomping his foot. Rules can be changed with each new stage.
  3. "Choose me!" Say a variety of words in a row and ask the kid to choose those that belong to a certain category, for example, dishes, animals, fruits, vegetables, and so on. Let the child repeat what he sees fit for you.

In addition, to develop mindfulness in preschool age with children, you can collect puzzles, play games such as "Find Differences", "Find a Common", go through all sorts of labyrinths and so on.

How to teach the child to be attentive, focused and persevering?

To make the child more attentive, it is necessary to do more with him. Meanwhile, young children are very tired of tedious classes and lessons, so all the necessary information should be submitted in a playful manner. Teach the child of concentration, assiduity and attentiveness will help such games as:

  1. "Who is the most attentive?" This game is suitable for a group of children of the same age. Guys should read the text and find out how many words it contains with a certain letter, for example, "m". A little later, the task can be complicated - invite the kids to count the number of these or other sounds. At the end of the game, the most attentive participant should receive a prize.
  2. "I will not get out." The child should call all the numbers of the digital sequence, except for those that are divided into 3 or any other number. Instead of them it is necessary to say "I will not get out".
  3. "All". On a piece of paper, write down all the numbers from 1 to 20 in scatter. Invite your child to show at a fast pace and name the numbers in the correct sequence.

Finally, for older kids, games of checkers, chess and backgammon, various puzzles and logic games, Sudoku, Japanese crossword puzzles and so on will perfectly suit. These games excellently develop mindfulness and contribute to the development of assiduity.