Is it possible to drink chicory for children?

In this article we will talk about chicory and instant drinks from it: whether it is possible to drink chicory for children, at what age children can drink beverages from this plant, etc.

A soluble drink from the root of chicory tastes like coffee, but several times higher than its medicinal properties. Chicory soluble is often given to children, pregnant and lactating women as a substitute for regular coffee.

Useful properties of chicory

For those who doubt whether it is possible to give chicory to children, we list some of its useful properties:

As you can see, the range of useful effects from the use of chicory is very wide. Children can be given drinks from chicory, starting from one year. However, little children do not experience the special need for substances with which chicory is full, so it is not necessary to give chicory to children. Drinks from chicory can be useful in a family where there is a small child, and parents often drink coffee - in this case, the baby of desire Inherit the behavior of parents can also ask for coffee. And since it is better not to give real coffee to young children, chicory will be an excellent alternative to a traditional drink.

Like any medicinal herb, chicory also has some contraindications, namely: vascular disease, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, individual intolerance (allergy to chicory).

In other cases, the use of chicory (root in the form of a drink or leaves as a salad) has a beneficial effect on the human body.