Barbuses - content

Barbuses are one of the most common fish in our aquariums. Bright, nimble, a little snooty fish fall to the taste of an increasing number of aquarists. Barbuses are fairly simple in content and feeding, however, it is worth remembering the maintenance of constant comfort in the aquarium and some features of these fish.

Contents of barbs in the aquarium

Conditions for the maintenance of barbs include several basic points. Barbuses belong to schoolfish, and the size of fish varies from 4 to 15 cm (shark barbs to 20 cm), so the aquarium should be spacious - for different types of barbs from 50 to 200 liters. Temperature 22-27 ° C, pH 6.5-7. Required the presence of plants.

In order to avoid a massive freeze, aeration and filtration are very important, as well as frequent water substitution and cleaning from feces and food debris. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 8-9 months (in large species after a year).

In the matter of maintaining barbs, feeding takes an important place. These fish have excellent appetite and a constant sense of hunger, so they should be fed often and in small portions. Food should be varied, do not feed barbs only with dry food. Barbuses eat well the bloodworm, daphnia, tubule, cyclope, etc. Also it is necessary to give scalded cucumber and lettuce leaves. With a lack of vegetable food, barbs will eat up aquarium plants.

Barbuses - spawning schooling fish. Before spawning, producers should be seated and abundantly fed with live food. The spawning volume must be at least 10 liters to place plants in it. Females of some species swarm up to 500 eggs. After spawning, the adult fish are caught, and the released fry are fed on the third day. Begin with artemia, nauplii Cyclops or rotifers. Mulberry barbs should be fed very often, because. they grow quickly.

Compatibility barbs

If you keep barbs, remember compatibility. Barbuses are active and sometimes are aggressive both inside the flock, and in relation to neighbors of other species. Barbuses constantly bring anxiety to their neighbors. They pinch the fins and tails, especially the veil fish. Therefore, guppies, telescopes, valeleths, scalars, cockerels are not the best company. Shy and slow-moving fish, laliii can be very anxious in the neighborhood with barbs. With aggressive astronauts, barbs can cause serious conflicts.

Good compatibility with barbs in swordsmen , parrots, bots, catfish, gourami , zebrafish and other fast and not very aggressive fish.