Chameleon at home

The chameleon belongs to the family of the suborder of lizards. The length of the chameleon can vary from 3 to 60 cm. Reptiles are known for unusual eyes: they rotate independently of each other by 360 °. They catch their prey with the tongue with the sucker, which is instantly thrown out and immediately assumes the initial position in the mouth. This maneuver takes no more than a second.

Chameleons in the subcutaneous layer contain cells with pigments of black, brown, red and yellow - that's why the chameleon can change color. The combination of pigments leads to the appearance of different shades. Chameleon painting can quickly change and become white, orange, yellow and green, black or brown. Also, the chameleon can change coloring in part - the animal can be covered with colored spots or stripes. Color varies depending on temperature, light, humidity, fright, irritation, during breeding, to protect against predator.

There are a lot of chameleon species. In terrariums, you can often see a Yemeni chameleon, a panther chameleon and a carpet chameleon. Less common are the four-legged chameleon and the chameleon of Jackson - they are quite demanding for breeding at home.

Features of content at home

Home chameleons - a frequent phenomenon. There are several basic rules of maintenance and care:

  1. When buying, pay attention to the kind of lizard - it should not look sick and skinny. Chameleons are difficult to treat. Do not get a rare look.
  2. Choose a terrarium based on the sex of the animal: for the female, a terrarium 40x50x80 (DShV) is suitable, for a male - 50x50x120. The sex is easy to determine - first, the male is brighter, and secondly, it has a thickening at the base of the tail. The terrarium needs lamps for heating and ventilation.
  3. The terrarium needs to be equipped with "trees" and driftwood, according to which the chameleon is accustomed to climb in the wild.
  4. In the daytime the temperature should be 28 ° C, at night - 22 ° C, humidity - 70-100%.
  5. Feed chameleon need insects, which you can buy in the store or plant independently. Always give fruit daily. Large individuals can be fed with rats or mice.
  6. Chameleons quickly get used to the life of the house and recognize their owners, especially those who pick them up, feed them. To outsiders are wary, even aggressive.
  7. Several males can not be kept in one terrarium, they begin to fight for territory.