How to get rid of calluses on hands?

Due to prolonged mechanical action, as a rule, friction, the calluses are formed on the skin. In addition to the fact that the keratinized formations are not aesthetically pleasing, they impede the natural movements of the brush and cling to the tissues, they are gradually growing deeper into the skin. Outgoing to the epidermis cores of callosities, affecting the nerve endings, cause a sensation of pain. That's why to know how to get rid of calluses on the hands, everyone should, especially if due to the characteristics of the profession or lifestyle, such formations on his hands appear frequently.

How to remove fresh calluses on your hands?

It is best, of course, not to allow the formation of calluses, using special gloves or gloves to protect your hands, and also using auxiliary equipment, for example, with frequent sewing, thimble, etc. But if you still can not save your hands, then the question becomes urgent: how quickly to get rid of calluses on hands.

The easiest way is to use antibacterial adhesive plasters that are fixed on problem areas of the skin. The use of adhesive plasters with a disinfecting effect is of particular importance in so-called "water" calluses filled with lymph and blood blisters that contain blood and lymph. Doctors recommend before applying the patch to treat the affected skin with bactericidal ointment ( Levomecol , Eplan, etc.) or antiseptic (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine)

If the bladder is swollen, you should seek help from a doctor who pierces it. If you can not consult a specialist:

  1. Disinfected with alcohol with a needle can pierce the corn and squeeze out the liquid with clean hands.
  2. After that, it is required to carefully treat the wound with a disinfectant and to bandage it.

How to get rid of dry calluses on the hands?

A slightly different approach to the removal of dry calluses:

  1. The coarse skin is first softened for a long time in a warm bath with a soap-soda solution or a special remedy.
  2. Then, using a pumice stone, gently rub the keratinized formation and lubricate with a softening cream or ointment.

The use of antimony patches is recognized as effective.

If the core corn was formed, then professional help can not be dispensed with. For the removal of old calluses in medicine, the following apply: