How to whiten the skin in intimate places?

On the eve of the beach season and the choice of bikini swimwear, women are particularly picky about their appearance. Therefore, cosmetologists are increasingly being asked for advice and advice on how to whiten the skin in intimate places. Change in its normal color can be caused by many factors, including age-related changes and hormonal failures, so it is desirable to find the cause of darkening of the epidermis and mucous membranes before local procedures.

What can effectively and permanently whiten the skin in intimate places?

It is best to contact the beauty salon with the problem in question. Professional cosmetologists have well-developed programs of skin clarification in intimate areas with the help of peelings and masks. In addition, the desired results help to achieve hardware procedures (photo and laser therapy).

You can independently try bleaching ointments or skin creams in intimate places:

How to quickly and safely whiten the skin in intimate places?

Folk recipes also help a little to clarify the problem areas.

Mild whitening properties have cucumber fresh. They should impregnate a small gauze cut and put on darkened places for 10 minutes, then lubricate with moisturizing cream.

A similar effect produces freshly squeezed parsley juice, which is recommended to wipe the problem areas in the morning and in the evening.

Different sources abound in many ways, as it is almost instantly whiten skin in intimate places with hydrogen peroxide, in some recipes, even ammonia is indicated as an additional component. Do not use these recommendations, these chemicals are too aggressive for tender and sensitive areas, their use can cause burns, severe allergic reactions and irritation .