Houteon Huntington

Chorea Huntington is a chronic genetic disorder of the nervous system that can develop both in childhood and adulthood, but most often begins to manifest in people aged 30 to 50 years. This is a serious, slowly progressing disease, which is characterized by various degenerative processes in the body, affecting the brain more.

Causes of Huntington's chorea

As already noted, Huntington's chorea is a genetic disease, so it is inherited from sick parents. The type of inheritance of Huntington's chorea is autosomal dominant. Pathology is more common in men. It is also known that a certain role in the development of Huntington's chorea is played by the transmitted infections, trauma, drug intoxication.

The gene hantingtin, located in all people on the fourth chromosome, is responsible for the coding of the eponymous protein, whose functions are not known precisely for today. This protein is found in the neurons of various parts of the brain. The disease develops when the gene changes due to the lengthening of the chain of amino acids. When a certain amount of amino acids is reached, the protein begins to exert a toxic effect on the cells of the body.

Symptoms of Huntington's chorea

The disease is characterized by gradually growing symptoms, which include:

Between the appearance of neurological and psychopathological symptoms there may be a gap of several years. Over time, various complications develop: heart failure, pneumonia, cachexia. The life expectancy of patients with Huntington's chorea is different, but on average is about 15 years. The most common death is due to complications.

Treatment of Huntington's chorea

At the moment the disease is considered incurable. Medicine can only slow its progression, and also minimize the manifestation of symptoms that reduce the quality of life. To this end, patients are assigned a number of medications, including:

Some of the above drugs are banned for use in our country, despite their high efficiency. Therefore, many patients turn to specialized clinics abroad for treatment.