What are the benefits of beans?

Beans are a valuable vegetable crop. The most popular beans on our table are peas, beans and beans. In the diet of man, beans occupy an honorable second place, second only to cereals. They are a wonderful source of protein, available at any time of the year, because they are perfectly stored in dried form.

Legumes are frequent guests on the table of many housewives. They are added to soups and borsch, stew and salads (especially in canned form), make garnishes from them to meat dishes, prepare a filling for pies. They give any dish an unforgettable taste, allow you to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.

What else are beans useful for humans?

  1. They are not caloric (57 calories in 100 grams of the product), but they are very satisfying.
  2. Beans have the property to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. They are an excellent source of minerals.
  3. Rich in fiber, which is necessary to improve digestion.
  4. They contain valuable amino acids, most of which can not be synthesized by the human body.
  5. In addition to proteins and amino acids, legumes contain many minerals and vitamins.
  6. They promote the activation of the process of bile withdrawal, normalize the level of glucose in the blood.
  7. Vegetarians can substitute beans for meat. The vegetable protein is no worse than the animal.
  8. Beans strengthen the immune system , soothe the nervous system, improve the work of the brain.
  9. Have anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect.
  10. They are recommended for prevention of certain kidney and liver diseases, beriberi and scurvy.

What are the benefits of beans for women?

Many women dream to lose weight, not exhausting themselves with cruel diets. For such purposes, there are beans. They saturate the body and give a feeling of satiety, although the weight is not accumulated, but on the contrary decreases. And the body during this diet gets protein, vitamins and minerals in large quantities.

However, beans have not only useful properties, but also contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of legumes

  1. Bloating and flatulence.
  2. Beans are considered a food that is digested and digested for a long time, overloading the digestive tract.
  3. Promote the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  4. Strictly contraindicated to people suffering from gout, stomach and bowel diseases.
  5. To minimize the unpleasant consequences of ingesting beans, it is necessary to bring the dish to the ready, and before cooking soak them for several hours.