Tea from currant leaves - good and bad

The man learned about the benefits of such berry bush culture as a man's currant for a long time. Our ancestors highly respected this plant, the currant berries ate fresh, cooked jam from them, baked pies with them. And still widely enough used broth from currant leaves. However, today not everyone knows what is the benefit and harm of tea from the currant leaves, they do not know how to properly brew and apply it. After all, with a wrong reception, even such a useful drink can not go to the body for future use.

What is useful tea with currant leaves?

Useful properties of tea from currant leaves are due to the high content of biologically active compounds in all parts of the plant. As in berries, a considerable amount of ascorbic acid accumulates in the leaves, also there are phytoncides, organic acids, dietary fibers, macro- and microelements that are readily digestible. When preparing a drink, they are transferred to a large volume in liquid, so a person can extract from this decoction the maximum natural benefit of the plant itself.

What is useful tea from the leaves of black currant - this is an actual issue for inveterate tea lovers, and for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and are interested in phytotherapy, preferring to be treated with folk, natural remedies. Firstly, such a drink perfectly helps hypertensive patients, because it effectively reduces pressure. Secondly, it has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, so it should be used as a prophylactic in the period of colds. Thirdly, it has a positive effect on the tone of the body, strengthens the immune system. Decoction of currant leaves is a natural energy, it is very useful to drink in the morning and during the working day, if you have to work hard and experience great physical and intellectual loads.

In addition, the benefits of tea from currant leaves are manifested in the following:

Decoction of currant leaves and apply externally - to treat various skin ailments with it make lotions and compresses.

What harm can there be from tea with currant leaves?

Like any other phytoproduct, tea from the currant leaves can cause allergies, so people prone to this disease should be careful. All the rest are recommended to drink no more than 5 cups of broth per day, as it can cause intense urination and dehydration, as well as exacerbation of chronic kidney disease. Absolutely contraindicated drink to people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, thrombophlebitis .

How correctly to make tea from leaves of a black currant for the maximal advantage?

Currant leaves can be brewed in fresh and dried form, without any additives or together with leaves of raspberries, cherries, herbs and habitual types of tea, black and green. Food is good only untouched by disease and wilting raw materials. The best addition to the drink will be honey or sweeteners based on stevia. If you make tea only from the currant leaves, then it should be insisted in the thermos for at least two hours, if you add the phytospora to the usual tea leaves, then you can insist the drink only 15-20 minutes.