Cheese with garlic

Cheese with garlic is one of the most popular snacks that many people like to spread on bread. Combine the cheese base can be with a variety of sauces, spices and even vegetables. The most delicious variations of snacks we disassembled in this material.

Cheese with garlic and mayonnaise

If you want to add a snack of garlic flavor, but get rid of the characteristic flavor after eating, bake the garlic head before adding it to the cheese mixture. The garlic head is directly wrapped with husk and shells with a foil sheet, and then left to bake at 180 degrees 20-25 minutes.



  1. Extrude the paste from the garlic cloves and mash it with a fork in mashed potatoes.
  2. Mix mayonnaise with melted cheese and cream cheese. Add the garlic paste and chopped onions. Supplement with salt and pepper if necessary.

Sandwiches with cheese and garlic

Despite the fact that the combination of garlic and cheese is often served as a cold snack, we suggest starting with a recipe for hot sandwiches, covered with a layer of cheese mixture and baked under a grill.



  1. Carrots grind on the smallest grater, so that it has time to soften after being grilled. Immediately after the carrot, pass garlic cloves through the press.
  2. Mix the grated cheese with the melted cheese, and to make the mixture softer and more comfortable in spreading, add everything with mayonnaise.
  3. Combine the cheese with carrots and garlic.
  4. Pieces of bread browned under the grill, smear with cheese mass and leave under the grill for another minute or two.
  5. Bread with cheese and garlic is ready! You can serve it simply or by first adding the snack to the greens.

Appetizer of cheese with garlic - recipe



  1. Purify the peeled garlic clove.
  2. Cream-cheese whisk together with soft oil until an airy, homogeneous mass.
  3. Add the garlic puree to the cheese mixture together with dried and fresh herbs. Snack can be served immediately after cooking or pre-chilling, giving it a thick.