The young daughter of Michael Jackson married

Michael Jackson's daughter frightened her relatives, they decided that she secretly married and now her husband can claim the inheritance of the late pop king.

Paris Jackson Castelow

It was this signature put a 17-year-old girl under a new photo, posted on her page in the social network. Everything would be fine, but the name of the current boyfriend of Jackson's only daughter is Castelow. Comparing the facts, her family decided that she could get engaged with her boyfriend.

While it is not known for sure whether Paris became the wife of Chester and whether all the necessary formalities were observed.

Good dowry

The girl, along with her brothers - Michael Joseph and Prince, pretend to the fabulous wealth that he inherited from his father. The singer left his children 2 billion dollars in inheritance. Share Paris is a third of this amount.

Now the guardian council allocates $ 1.5 million a year for its maintenance, when she turns 33, she will be able to dispose of the rest of the money.

In the case of not signing a marriage contract, the spouse of Michael's daughter may receive a sixth of his financial assets.

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Paris and football player Chester Castelow

In early 2015, with Paris there was a nervous breakdown and she got to the hospital. Immediately after discharge she met Chester. This meeting was good for her, she again became a cheerful and carefree 17-year-old teenager, so relatives were only happy about her new novel.

Germaine Jackson approved the choice of his niece and said that, despite her young age, she would not mind if she married Kastelow. However, a good uncle persuaded Paris to turn to lawyers for the preparation of a marriage contract restricting the rights of her husband. Specialists have transgressed his writing, but did not complete the document to the end.