6 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

6 midwifery pregnancy week is the middle of the first trimester, a very important, responsible, and sometimes even a dangerous period. 6 obstetric week and the subsequent time of the first trimester - the time of active formation and development of the embryo, the success of which largely depends on the behavior and lifestyle of the future mother.

Physical and psychological sensations of the expectant mother at the 6th obstetric pregnancy week

The obstetric gestation period of 6 weeks indicates that 4 weeks have passed since conception, and the woman is likely already aware of her situation. But if the menstrual cycle of the expectant mother is not very regular, you can go through a study to determine the value of beta-hCG. The level of hCG at the 6th obstetric week is already quite high, its value is in the range of 50000-200000 meU / ml.

Obstetric pregnancy is 6 weeks - a period of incomplete awareness of their situation. Awareness will come a little later (with a rounded tummy, with the first movements of the baby). And now the little man living in your body makes itself felt by unusual and unpleasant physical sensations. So, the classic symptom of the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy is a toxicosis, a long, painful and exhausting:

At the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy, there are changes in the appearance of the expectant mother: the chest is poured, the areoles darken (sucking-in mugs).

Your baby at 6 midwifery pregnancy week

Your baby is 4 weeks old, he is still very small (only 5-7 mm), but his heart is already actively beating (140-150 beats / min). Despite the existing tail, the embryo on the 6th obstetric week is already quite good for an adult:

General recommendations for a future mother

At 5-6 midwifery week falls quite a dangerous period of pregnancy. First, there is a rather high threat of its interruption (10-30%). Secondly, it is at this time that the vulnerability of the embryo is significantly increased, and any external provoking factor (alcohol, certain medicines, infectious diseases) can cause congenital malformations of the baby.

Pregnancy often obliges a woman to reconsider her habitual way of life, to give up some preferences and habits:

  1. Be sure to take folic acid, it will protect your baby from neural tube defects.
  2. Keep track of your feelings: severe pain in the abdomen at 6-12 midwifery weeks of pregnancy often indicate a threat of its interruption. If the pain is combined with bleeding - immediately call for an ambulance.
  3. Without the permission of the doctor, do not take all kinds of medications (antibiotics, tranquilizers, hormones).
  4. Do not forget about a healthy balanced diet, eat in small portions.